Zoe Hawkins
- Mass Effect Trilogy
- Chrono Trigger
- Civilization franchise
Zoe Hawkins's Reviews
Offworld Trading Company is an enjoyable strategy game for those averse to combat, allowing players to become ruthless capitalists taking over Mars. While it has many excellent elements, it's simply lacking that unique spark that would make it a truly stellar game with hours of replay value.
Democracy 3: Africa is great fun. For fans of the original game, it offers some new challenges and achievements, while still being interesting for newcomers. It may not the most evenly paced strategy game, it will still steal hours of your time without you realizing it.
A tennis game that lacks motion controls, signature Mario silliness or even the effort for unique cut scenes, the only thing Mario Tennis Ultra Smash has going for it is that it's functional and vaguely entertaining for short periods of time.
While the franchise still needs to overcome some inherent flaws, Assassin's Creed Syndicate feels refreshingly different and a joy to play. With believable characters and fluid gameplay that feels trimmed of its excess fat, it is the best Assassin's Creed game to come out in years.
While it doesn't offer any real innovation, Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure is a good update of the original title. It feels like the game you played all those years ago, but without the ability to suck you in for more than an hour or two of gaming. Fun puzzler, until you run out of new things to do and feel the drain of the repetition.
Difficulty spikes, lingering wait times and a weak story filled with flat characters prevents Code Name S.T.E.A.M. from realizing its potential. While still fun and rewarding at times, it just doesn't capture the imagination or hold my attention for long.
A joy to play for any fan of stealth and secret stabbing, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China is nuanced and immersive in a gorgeous setting. If you loved Mark of the Ninja, you really shouldn't miss out on this one.
If you've been waiting for an MMO on Xbox One, this is an easy recommendation. It's not particularly deep or intricate, but there's enough content to keep you busy for a long while. The frame rates are a significant problem, but probably won't deter anyone from playing the game.
Some interesting new approaches to classes that are now familiar, the DLC brings some cool things to the table. While it can't fix the core issues with the game, it adds some fresh content for those who are still playing and looking for something new.
Thanks to being an excellent PSP game, the glossed up version feels like a unique and enjoyable Final Fantasy experience. With deep storytelling and an interesting take on existing lore, fans of the franchise will want to play it. However, if you already gave it a whirl on PSP, it might not necessarily be worth the money to dish out for it again.
Fun, quick and light strategy game, Starships is a great introduction to strategic gameplay or for those who don't have time for a longer experience. On its own, it feels shallow and lacks extensive replay value. Not suited to PC, I think Starships will do best on mobile.
Beautifully Noir, White Night offers some excellent experiences mixed with punishing frustration. A dark and compelling survival horror, it is certainly worthwhile as long as you can overcome the anxiety and irritations.
Helldivers is hopelessly addictive and brilliantly brutal. You will find yourself playing with a gleeful smile throughout, either thanks to crushing foes with your drop shipped turret or because of shooting your enemy with bullets full of freedom. Fast-paced and humorous with deep combat, this space romp should be required in every PS4 owner's library.
While it's great to have a climactic final battle with Sauron, the rest of the game feels like a watered down version of the original. Add to that some weak storytelling and lack of character development and it ends up feeling like an ill conceived DLC prequel.
Boring on your own and offering nothing particularly memorable for gameplay, but if you're looking for a fun game for couch co-op that can be completed in an afternoon, this is an easy purchase.
While the game is fun and quirky, it's far better suited to its original home on handhelds. On the PS4, it simply doesn't hold up as a fully fledged game. However, for that price, it certainly is worthwhile if you're looking for something fun to play while waiting for all your other PS4 games' patches and updates.
If all the bugs were removed, this game would probably score about an 8 - featuring excellent innovations and beautiful graphics. Unfortunately, the game is simply too broken in its current form.
While Sleeping Dogs is still an excellent game, the Definitive Edition simply doesn't bring enough to the table to make it fit in with other games on the new consoles. Without adding more than some aesthetic polish, it simply doesn't feel worthwhile unless you missed out on the game in the last generation.
When the game works, it is fantastic. Unfortunately, the rest of it feels average and frustratingly built to make players fail. While obsessive collectors might see replay value in New Game+, the story and gameplay simply aren't compelling enough to warrant more than the original 20 hours for completion.
While the core game is excellent, it might be extremely difficult for new players. There are plenty of options for replay, but the game might not have the same replay value as previous entries in the franchise. A solid title that will make fans of the Civilization franchise extremely happy, and might even attract some new players - if they can survive the initial challenge.