Cory Wells


Favorite Games:
  • Symphony of the Night
  • Resident Evil
  • Chrono Cross

171 games reviewed
76.3 average score
80 median score
64.3% of games recommended

Cory Wells's Reviews

Been in the industry since 2011. News, previews, reviews, interviews, and editorials. Play a wide range of gaming genres.
May 6, 2015

Project Cars offers a new simulation racer to the mainstream audience. Anyone who deals in serious virtual racing will enjoy the game as its details from the car setup to matching race day almost goes unmatched. While offering all that, the game looks beautiful all while offering the full feeling of a race environment. It will be interesting to see what is offered in the future for this game, but Namco Bandai's first effort is as much as you can ask for.

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Revelations 2 has its moments as the game includes a lot of easter eggs for fans of the series. The Raid Mode is a fantastic and addictive game mode that is worth the price of admission alone. It tells a sufficient story, but the new characters do not really stick out. The cooperative A.I. is as diverse as ever, but the intelligence behind it has much to be desired.

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Everything fans loved about the original Resident Evil: Remake on Gamecube has literally been duplicated and brought over to the HD Remaster. Fans will appreciate this as mainly a new coat of paint was added to the visuals. Anyone that has had interest in stepping into the series might appreciate the alternate control scheme and vary levels of difficulty to choose from. Bringing this title to the modern, high definition age was an excellent idea as Capcom has succeeded in bring a classic back to life from its library.

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The game has a steep learning curve for newbies, but long-time fans will appreciate the look and feel of the game along with the tons of modes available to play.

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Music Evolved has the opportunity to be the ultimate party game, as its creative depth, functionality, and fun-factor go unmatched in comparison to any other music game.

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Oct 10, 2014

This is the best game that has ever been aligned with the Alien franchise and the rest aren't even close.

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Jul 28, 2014

Abyss Odyssey is going to appeal to a certain audience. If you are one with that audience, you will truly enjoy the experience that this game has to offer. For casual gamers, the difficulty might be too much, but it is an adventure game that you basically just jump into.

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Judging by the screens, people may think that Murdered: Soul Suspects is a survival horror title, especially with the pics of the demons. It is far from that, as it tells a solid story and is more categorized as a suspenseful thriller. The lack of challenge in the game and the redundancy really hurt the title in the long run. The game is more similar to the likes of Heavy Rain, as it seems like more of an interactive movie. While the game looks and runs great, it certainly will not be for everyone.

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May 14, 2014

Even with the lack of depth, the game is still fun based on its difficulty and the fighting system.

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The game is a great sampling of what to expect from Phantom Pain, but there is enough content to make Ground Zeroes more than just a sampling. You will find yourself replaying missions over and over.

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The Stick of Truth is the complete South Park experience, and there is nothing else in gaming like it.

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