Dave Aubrey
- Pokemon Blue
- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
- Resident Evil 4
Dave Aubrey's Reviews
Dark Souls III is beautiful and terrifying all in one. Intense, atmospheric and so cruel. An essential game for RPG fans and one of the very best games of 2016 thus far.
With completely acceptable racing, cringe-inducing cutscenes and a questionable online mode, Need for Speed for PC is a worthwhile racer, if not the best one available. You won't regret your purchase, but you're not likely to be recommending it to all of your friends either. Maybe wait for a sale, but rest assured that this is a well optimized port of a decent, if not amazing racer.
Pokkén Tournament is how so many people want Pokémon battles to look in the main games. In lieu of that we'll deal with Pokkén - this a great fighter and fun for everyone.
It may look rubbish but EDF 4.1 plays brilliantly. You just have to try this game, it's loads of goofy fun.
There's a decent JRPG here, if just incredibly dull. Digimon fans will find plenty to enjoy, whereas casual observers of the series will probably be better off by picking something better.
Street Fighter V is the series at its best. Whether you're an experienced Street Fighter or a complete newbie, this is your chance to get involved in what will be an amazing competitive experience. Are you ready to accept the challenge?
If you're a Naruto fan or just interested in a colourful brawler to waste a few hours on then you've found it with Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. To that end, this game is great. If you're looking for something deeper or more complex, then this probably is not it… Still, it makes for a better fighter than J-Stars Victory VS.
Not the best Resident Evil game by a long shot, but Resident Evil 0 had loads to offer fans of the series. Newcomers are best to look towards the original game, though.
If you're a fan of the series, or just want to play a decent JRPG, then sure, this is it. Just don't expect anything you haven't seen before.
One of the Wii U's best racing titles, for a great price. Get this game, Wii U owners. You won't regret it; it might not live up to F-Zero's legacy, but what's on offer here is well polished and a lot of fun.
This just might be the best game on Wii U. If you own the system, buy this in confidence. Worth it for the world alone.
This is a good game of tennis, in fact I'd even say a great one. Though, it's not the best use of the Mario brand, honestly. This feels like filler in the Wii U's holiday line up and nothing convinced me otherwise.
Project Zero can be frustrating, scary, demanding and off-putting all at once. Fans of Japanese horror will enjoy this, whereas the repetitive combat and recognisable enemies will put others off severely.
One of the best games this year, one of the best game on Playstation Vita and possibly the best music/rhythm action game I've ever played. If that sounds good to you, make this an essential purchase.
This is so far away from the games that made Chibi-Robo a recognizable Nintendo character. This is an average, easy platformer. Unless you want to play just that kind of game, you would probably do well to steer clear.
Don't buy this. Like, just don't. Not even out of curiosity. Don't do it. Stop thinking about it. Just don't bother.
I want to enjoy this game, I really do, but my God is it ever tedious. More than once it seriously wore on my nerves, simply due to how repetitive it can be. I'm sure the game will find fans, but I won't be one of them.
Predictable moments blended with some absolutely fantastic music and gameplay creates one of the best JRPGs of the year, if not the best. Still, it doesn't reach the heights of past Tales games.
Honestly, Tri Force Heroes is worthwhile even if you don't have any friends (although they definitely help.) A great Zelda adventure just missing the epic storyline.
If you want more Warriors or haven't experienced Warriors yet, then I truly recommend this. But if you've played one of the many Warriors games recently, then maybe just give it a miss.