Tom Hoggins
The Last of Us is every inch the modern classic, and this remastering seems entirely appropriate, even so soon after its initial release. As we enter a new generation, it's apt to celebrate the best of what games can do. It might not be essential for those who have already made the journey, but for everyone else, The Last of Us is vital.
It's car football, but not as we know it, as Psyonix's exhilarating mix of chaos and control marks it as one of the year's best multiplayer experiences.
Lara Croft's latest adventure is a smart, alluring thrill-ride through Siberia.
Super Mario Maker's chaotic smorgasbord is part of its appeal. Wild, unbridled and even inspiring, Super Mario Maker achieves the envious feat of making both Play and Creation a joy. And all it had to do was remove the barrier between the two.
What a pleasure it is to find a video game with such warmth and fascination with companionship. And what a joy it is for it to be found in a game with such an elegant sense of exploration.
Signed-up members of the Uncharted club will allow themselves a smirk as Drake quips "hey, this isn't my first lost city, y'know?", but Naughty Dog --now one of the most respected developers in the world-- are careful not to leave newcomers behind. All you need to enjoy the yarn is here: set up by a script written with warmth, humour and confidence; delivered by a skilled and willing cast.
One of the finest video games ever made
PES 2016 offers a smart, strategic, thrilling and unpredicatable game of football.
Blizzard has made all the right noises about being committed to building on Overwatch, providing new heroes, maps and gametypes for free across the game's lifespan. With a tremendously successful start, there is no reason to believe this is a promise that won't be followed through on.
While nothing can ever bring back their little boy, I am glad the Greens had that faith. And I am glad they were brave enough to share it with us.
Forza Horizon 3 is what happens when a serious racing game lets the brakes off.
There is a type of artistry in Dishonored 2 that is unique to video games.
While it results in brevity, there isn’t an ounce of fat here. Inside is a game to be devoured in one or two sittings, then, but its impact will be something to savour.
Lara Croft's latest adventure is a smart, alluring thrill-ride through Siberia.
As you move around the country and the gang's predicament shifts, the complexion of both game and narrative can change to a startling degree. It is nothing if not carefully considered.
This is another flourish of a fighting game that is big on style. There is a saunter and character to its roster, to its stages that fizz and crumble under the weight of battle, it is kinetic and fun and easy to get into. And it might just be your new favourite fighting game... even if you have never played one before.
Mario Kart 8 is as deliriously entertaining as it was when it was released three years ago.
Any issues melt away as you leap whooping from your seat, punching the air after you slay a giant beast while on your last sliver of health. In Monster Hunter: World, those heart-pounding epiphanies happen with thrilling regularity.
One of the most gorgeous, spectacular and impactful blockbusters of the generation
As a card-carrying member of the single-player society, it was with some trepidation I dived into Call of Duty: