Leigh Groocock

23 games reviewed
65.2 average score
70 median score
17.4% of games recommended
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Oct 14, 2014

The stealth mechanics in Styx: Master of Shadows are bloody fantastic, but the game is completely overshadowed by its poor controls and repetitive scenery, turning what could have been a really enjoyable game into controller-breaking frustration, as an ungodly amount of time is spent repeating the same sequence over and over again, praying that Styx isn't a clumsy mess.

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7 / 10 - Destiny
Sep 28, 2014

It's a truly epic experience once the real endgame content is reached, but until that point, the player constantly hits brick walls, and the only thing they're able to do to progress any further is start the mind numbing grind and hoping that they get lucky enough to receive some armour with light.

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8 / 10 - Titanfall
Sep 20, 2014

Titanfall may not have done anything to revolutionise the multiplayer genre like it was hyped up to do but has done a sterling job of being the first major shooter to hit a brand new generation of consoles from a studio that is yet to release a game. After six months on the market (at time of writing), it's still a blast, yet it won't be a title that goes down in history. If Titanfall is anything to go by, whatever developer Respawn creates in the future cannot come soon enough, hopefully building upon the strong foundation of this release.

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