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Az Elias

154 games reviewed
67.4 average score
70 median score
39.0% of games recommended
Jun 28, 2024

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD still has the feeling of a portable game that was tailored to the system it was built for, but for the most part, things have been ported over extremely well. The mission-based structure that pulls players out of the game on a frequent basis, constant interruptions from E. Gadd, and a lack of saving until stages are completed detract from what is otherwise a light-hearted and fun little adventure rife with plenty of secrets to discover and puzzles galore, albeit one that isn't on par with the first and third entries in the series. The improved visuals and controls are a boon that make Luigi's Mansion 2 a better game than it was before, but with a lack of much else that's new, the high price tag is a big ask.

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Jun 24, 2024

Pepper Grinder is a short little platformer that delivers a satisfying gameplay concept, but it can take time to grasp the full mechanics due to the fast speed and slight unpredictability of where Pepper will move during and after the drilling process. The slower speed option can help alleviate the issues, but those that take the time to master it will be rewarded with a fast-paced adventure with plenty of secrets to discover. Speedrunners will get a lot of purchase out of this one, but it isn't without its problems when dealing with frustrating combat and bosses. Thankfully, the short length balances things out, ensuring Pepper Grinder ends before it gets too tedious.

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Everything that Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door entails is everything that is desired in this series - turn-based timed button battles, completely original characters in familiar and new species, witty dialogue, and an emphasis on story and greater lore. This is a unique adventure full of fun and clever gameplay ideas, offering a medium-length RPG that will satisfy Mario fans eager to see more than stomping on koopas and - in the case of the more recent Paper Mario titles - repetitive battle systems and generic characters. If all goes well, fingers crossed that the success of this game can pave the way for a brand-new entry in the same vein as this one - ideally without a paper joke in sight.

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May 2, 2024

Stasis: Bone Totem's challenging puzzles may cause a headache and bring progression to a halt on more than one occasion, so it is best to be prepared for critical thinking and a little trial and error. The excellently written characters and superb voice acting really drive the desire to progress, and the sci-fi horror plot is backed up by immaculate prerendered backgrounds that sadly take a dip in quality on Switch, especially on the puzzle screens. Although not without its faults and the odd bug here and there, this point-and-click adventure has still transitioned greatly to console, and the effort to bring such a title to Switch is hugely appreciated.

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Feb 18, 2024

The asking price does feel disproportionate to what is on offer in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, even despite the host of additional levels that bring it past 130 in total, and its wonderful new presentation and cutscenes. Alongside 1994's Donkey Kong, though, this is the superior gameplay format for this series, which adopted more of a Lemmings approach in subsequent games, so interested folk should seek this one out at a more affordable price in the future.

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Nov 8, 2023

A decent Super Smash Bros. clone that clearly improves on the first iteration, but Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 is rife with problems on Nintendo Switch. The 30 frames per second gameplay, unbelievable load times, poor presentation, and glitches that force reboots of the game mean this isn't going to be a joyful time unless playing on one of the more powerful systems. Underneath the numerous issues, there is a fun time here, and crossplay will at least help ensure match-ups when battling online, but it is difficult to recommend this version of the game.

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Oct 26, 2023

It has taken Nintendo almost 30 years to get its flagship side-scrolling series back on top, but that is exactly what has been achieved with Super Mario Bros. Wonder. Not since the days of the SNES has 2D Mario felt this original and fun, with the bizarre hallucination-like gameplay elements contributing to both the joy and hilarity all at once, coupled with brilliant character animations and a multitude of ideas that makes every level unique. Stages could have stood to be longer, and it may have been a good opportunity to go a bit wilder with the story and villains, but those are small complaints for what is an absolute blast from beginning to end.

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Rain Code falters in too many areas for it to be seen as a true or great successor to Danganronpa. There are sparks of light, such as its setting and the twists featured in the final chapters, but the ridiculously linear Mystery Labyrinths, poorly written characters, long load times and graphical issues set things back. Danganronpa and whodunnit fans will still find something worthwhile here, but wait for a discount.

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Jun 29, 2023

The Lara Croft Collection is not to be overlooked. This bundle encompasses one great and one decent arcade action adventure, of which twin-stick shooter and score attack fans will find plenty of enjoyment. Although both games are worth experiencing in multiplayer if possible, Guardian of Light, at the very least, deserves playing even solo, and is a reminder of what Tomb Raider is all about, captured expertly in a style that is positively different, yet respectfully reminiscent of the classic series. Technical issues remain, but it's just a joy to have these ported to a modern platform. Now, with things quiet on the Lara Croft front, surely, it's time for that long overdue third game in this mini-series.

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Feb 25, 2023

If you consider yourself a Final Fantasy fan, there is every reason to invest in Theatrhythm Final Bar Line. Rammed to bursting with songs that have helped to make the series what it is, there are tracks for everybody in here, with plenty of accessibility options to tinker with to suit all levels of player, including a fun RPG-lite mechanic that can be explored for extra incentive to replay favourite tunes. The DLC is vast and off-putting, but there is so much in the base game to tackle that it can be safely ignored.

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Nov 2, 2022

Semi-open worlds with quests in the form of real-time strategy battles provide a sort of 3D role-playing game spin on the continuation of this odd match-up of Mario and the Rabbids. While Sparks of Hope improves on the formula introduced five years ago, some charm has been lost in the more generic lands the heroes traverse, with a story that doesn't offer much thanks to plain characters outside of the Rabbids. Battles are still as fun as before, with plenty of customisation possible, but there isn't much to think about when skill points can be redistributed at will. That may suit the target audience, though, and the additional difficulty options are pleasing in that regard, as well. Kingdom Battle fans will enjoy this, and there is some solid tactical gameplay to be found, but it's a bit too familiar and unsurprising to elevate it beyond the original.

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Aug 9, 2022

As a brand-new mainline entry that follows the previous iteration after over five years, The King of Fighters XV feels a little "by the numbers" in a similar way to how Dead or Alive 6 didn't push on from DOA5. Everything is too familiar, too safe, and lacking those key elements that truly give the impression of the next proper game in the series. The 3D character models still look a bit out of place, the story mode is awful, and there isn't enough done to ease newcomers in. Solid online modes and a large roster, with the addition of cross-play to look forward to, mean there is plenty to like for series fans, though.

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5 / 10 - Sonic Origins
Aug 7, 2022

A conflicting compilation of Sonic games that does plenty right in remastering some of the blue hedgehog's classic Mega Drive hits, but lets everyone down with unnecessary money-grabbing DLC, while not offering anywhere near the amount of content that really should be here in terms of the Sonic series' vast history. Still with bugs to fix, time will tell if Sonic Origins becomes a respectable overall package, but it will suffice for the more casual fan after a bigger price drop.

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Aug 2, 2022

While perhaps not deserving of the "Definitive Edition" moniker, the long overdue Steam edition of Warriors Orochi 3 has got everything a franchise fan needs. Characters, missions, modes, weapons, levels, costumes, crossovers, meaty story - it's all here, minus online play and a few pieces of minor DLC. Ignore its aged looks and this is some of the best hacking and slashing in the franchise, the likes of which only the licensed Legend of Zelda entries come close to.

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Jul 4, 2022

Capcom Fighting Collection presents a slightly bemusing package, given that half of the content is Darkstalkers and seven of these titles are in the two Capcom Arcade Stadium games. Cyberbots feels oddly out of place with its mecha-style gameplay, as does Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, but that's hardly a complaint; it just feels like the overall product could have been bolstered by more of Capcom's rich fighting game history, of which there is plenty to choose from. This is a great way to dive into the fan favourite Darkstalkers franchise, in particular, though, and seeing games previously exclusive to arcades, like Red Earth, make their way to consoles for the first time is a pleasure.

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Good, fun games are good, fun games, and even with glitches and the numerous issues this trilogy brings, that's what these still are. However, seeing the state of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, there just isn't any way to let Rockstar off lightly here. This is one of the most successful video game companies in the world, with goodness knows how much raked in from GTA Online, so there can be no excuses to have loaned out these iconic games to a small team with a poor track record and showing absolutely no respect for their own creations. Fifty pounds is a big ask for such old games that have been what one might say "demastered", and even with numerous future patches, these may never be the upgrades they should have been, but Switch owners new to this trilogy can find plenty of entertainment - and not just because of the glitches. This is still a hard sell, though, with the advice being to hold off for a major sale.

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Just as with the previous Fighters Pass, it is necessary to be a fan of more than a handful of the characters included in Vol. 2, but if that is the case, there is no denying the value here, with six diverse characters coming with a stage each, a huge selection of music tracks, and many Spirits to challenge. There are some excellent additions and surprises, and it brings to an end a rollercoaster few years with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that may not quite happen the same again. This will keep dedicated players going for many more years until the next game arrives, but Nintendo really should have included the Mii Fighter costumes, because to unlock everything there is in this game is now an even more expensive endeavour.

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Sep 29, 2021

Quake's remastered port to Nintendo Switch is proof that big video game companies don't need to treat their fans with disrespect when it comes to bringing back old classics. The level of content for such a small price is unmatched, and that is forgetting a whole new expansion pack was created for this release, too. The fact that everything can be completed cooperatively in multiplayer means less skilled players can enjoy getting through with the help of others, and then there are deathmatches for some of the best arena FPS action around. Well done to all involved in this.

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Aug 28, 2021

Bare minimum ports with performance issues they may be, but Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection is a most welcome release that hopefully fuels the flame for a fourth in the 3D series. The lack of polish or any real noteworthy adjustments or additional content, as well as the third game losing its way following the first two great entries, put a dampener on the package, but there is still good value for money here that fans of challenging games will do well to check out.

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Aug 27, 2021

Is Tekken 7: Ultimate Edition worth getting into? Absolutely, but only when it hits that sweet discount price it's been consistently reduced to this year. Beginners may have to do some online reading and watching to learn the fundamentals and beyond, but since the online scene is still strong, it's worth the effort if that's what you're looking for in a fighter right now. Otherwise, there is little offline to keep many entertained unless you have a local sparring partner.

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