Gavin Proctor

2 games reviewed
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2 / 10 - Daylight
May 29, 2014

Daylight is clearly more of a tech demonstration than a game, but it forgot to include any interesting uses of technology that couldn't - and haven't - already been done better on older software. As a one trick pony, if Daylight fails to scare players, then the monotonous and repeated palette of the game world itself will provide no joy to explorers, and the story will fail to grip those that like to engage with the narrative. If there is still any desire to experience the game, it would be recommended to simply watch a Twitch stream rather than paying for it!

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8 / 10 - WildStar
Jun 21, 2014

Wildstar is explosive, flashy and fun, and will hopefully stand the test of time and be expanded upon further in the coming years and months. Carbine seems dedicated to creating a stable and mature community of players, managing the in-game economy and keeping the game viable for its fans.

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