Josh Griffiths
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is everything you may want out of a puzzle game and more. It looks simple at first glance, but there’s a surprising amount of depth. It can be annoying have to jump through so many hoops to unlock that content, but the jumping is very entertaining. If you don’t come into this expecting to just beat levels, and instead want something you can spend days or weeks trying to master, you’re in for a great time.
Necropolis started out boring, transitioned to annoying, and ended up being frustrating. There’s no fun to be had here.
Don’t be confused. Umbrella Corps isn’t a bad game because it’s Resident Evil. Umbrella Corps is a bad game because it’s iterative, boring and ugly. The most interesting thing I experienced was when a bird landed on my head and killed me.
Alienation isn't a terrible game by any stretch, but it's not great either. It's monotonous and lifeless, but can entertain in short bursts and with friends. Housemarque has done better in the past, and they should have done better here.
Firewatch could have, and should have, been so much better than it is. You can see the greatness shrivel up like a dying flower when the mystery elements are introduced, and it's heartbreaking. On brief occasions that greatness peaks through the mediocrity, but that only makes everything else more disappointing.
A turn based strategy that actually employs strategy, Tharsis is a rougelike you'll want to keep coming back to.
A strategy game that offers little in the way of strategy, Blood Bowl 2 at least has dumb fun going for it.