Tim Stone
It’s hard to imagine anyone else not warming to it swiftly.
The freedom to tackle the magnificent levels almost any way you choose, remains one of C2’s most beguiling attractions.
Sharp as a spike bayonet in the AI department, surprisingly realistic in areas like morale modelling, LoS and armour penetration, SD's crowning achievement is arguably its interface. It's hard to think of a wargame that makes control feel so effortless or one that communicates unit details so effectively. Beware – a few days with Eugen elegance makes Graviteam idiosyncracy awfully hard to bear.
If you're in the mood for a rail-related mallardy and have already got tuberculosis, tendernitis, and wagonorrhea then it's unlikely you'll regret your purchase.
I'd love to have seen Rebellion weave more WW2 history into their solo campaign, and put a bit more love and novelty into their online play modes. Other than that, mark me down as a satisfied customer.