Michael Nelson


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4 games reviewed
68.8 average score

Michael Nelson's Reviews

I game, I write, I occasionally go outside to make sure the world is still loading properly.
70 / 100 - 2Dark
Mar 15, 2017

2Dark is the latest creation from the mind of Frederick Raynal, the creator of Alone in The Dark, and his new studio, Gloomywood. It’s a stealth-horror-adventure game with survival elements.

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4 / 10.0 - Devil's Third
Dec 11, 2015

Do I regret my time with Devil's Third?  Yes I do.

8 / 10.0 - Hyrule Warriors
Sep 25, 2014

All in all, I'm glad to have experienced a game like Hyrule Warriors and also that I went into it without any great preconceived notions. What I found was an interesting addition to the Zelda franchise, enjoyable in a mindless way, and fun for scholars of Hyrulean lore. I would venture that any Zelda aficionado would find the same, just so long as you keep those wild expectations in check!

8.5 / 10.0 - Armillo
Jul 3, 2014

In the end, I found myself in the old routine of having "just one more go" instead of actually writing this review like I should have been doing.