Marc Hollinshead

57 games reviewed
71.8 average score
70 median score
45.6% of games recommended
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Jan 24, 2017

Although it started out as a VR title, The Assembly feels right at home on Xbox, perhaps even better suited.

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Dec 21, 2016

If you look past the frustration, though, Feist is a commendable title for someone who is after a simple story and simple gameplay.

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Dec 13, 2016

Energy Cycle is an oddity indeed. It is a bare bones game that only just scratches the surface in its gameplay. Repeatedly clicking orbs to music that will irritate you after five minutes is only interesting for a short while before you cave in from boredom, or push yourself to the end.

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With a rewarmaster now under its belt, one would assume that it's well worth going back to it. In some regards that is true. The game's vibrant art style is complimented all the more with the visual and textural upgrade, and the smoother frame rate causes War himself to look like a powerhouse against every enemy that he faces. However, that's all that this remaster has to offer.

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The new Painted World looks gorgeous at times and exploration feels rewarding as you discover more shortcuts and pathways. The multiplayer arena seems unusual at first, but it is an interesting take on the game's PvP. Only hardcore fans will stick around for the long haul, though, so the DLC's main appeal comes from an awe inspiring boss fight at the end.

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Oct 13, 2016

Despite the addition of more bikes and tracks, not much has changed since the first RIDE, so those who come back for seconds will probably feel a bit of déjà vu when playing. Repetition can creep in, as well, but at least the game won't feel quite as monotonous because of the better load times. If bikes are for you, or you're a novice who wants to jump in, then RIDE 2 will give you some enjoyment.

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Sep 23, 2016

The developers have done a great job in creating a tense adventure and if you're simply curious in seeing what it's like to play a live-action game, or if you're up for a little atmosphere in your next title, then The Bunker is certainly worth the trip.

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It may not reach the heights of the original game, but "Inheritance" is still a commendable return to this creepy house.

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Aug 4, 2016

Whether you're a long-time fan of strategy titles or someone looking to whet their appetite with something new, Overcooked may satisfy your cravings even if it is just for a short while.

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Despite its age, TT Games continues to breathe new life into the LEGO franchise each year and brings both new and old fans in for some block-tastic action.

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Jun 22, 2016

We've waited almost too long for Mirror's Edge to make a comeback, but now that it has returned, was it worth it? Yes it was.

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Jun 8, 2016

Souls Axiom is an interesting title. It explores an unconventional concept to that of most games, and the puzzles are challenging and vary in design. The story is unique but it can be difficult to follow at first as you will become confused by the unusual cutscenes that play at the end of each level. If you persevere with the game, though, it is a rewarding experience that will offer you plenty of content. Collectables don't feel tacked on and they actually help to enrich the game's plot, something that is certainly a blessing with this one. Whether you're after a new puzzle title to get your brain whirring, or an indie game that doesn't possess a pixelated 2D artstyle, Soul Axiom may be worth a look.

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May 12, 2016

DC Universe Online isn't going to be an MMO that will be remembered for years to come, but it is still entertaining for those who are fans of the genre and for someone who wants to get stuck into a world of superheroes and villains.

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Apr 26, 2016

Loading up the game for the soundtrack alone is worth it, and I won't deny that I quickly went online to find each of the tracks. Below the surface there isn't too much else to see with this title, so you will be done with it relatively quickly. Nonetheless, if going on a killing rampage while dancing the night away sounds like your kind of night out then it may be worth checking out.

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Apr 11, 2016

The series had a rocky road with Dark Souls II and had some fans questioning design decisions, but Dark Souls III has reminded the community of why the series has the reputation it does. The game is an undeniable treat for both eyes and ears, and uncovering the lore as you explore the darkest depths is an experience that is unparalleled in many other games.

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This has set the scene for a potentially exciting finale, so let's just hope that the wait will be worth it.

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Mar 31, 2016

It may be frustrating at times, but if you like your racers, Trackmania Turbo may be an interesting distraction for you.

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Mar 10, 2016

McDroid gives little clue as to what is going on when you first load it up. The first hour fails to impressand players may wonder if it is worth continuing onwards. After overcoming that hurdle, there was enjoyment to be found in the game. The mixture of resources and weapons can create exciting scenarios as rockets and lasers fly across the screen, but there is still a large element of strategy in what you're doing. The game leans more towards those who are a fan of the genre and others won't feel the need to play past the story, but it still does a serviceable job at trying to cater to a wider audience. The cel shading gives the game a more unique feel alongside the very strange but amusing story and dialogue, but glitches have been found of which people will need to be careful. For its price, McDroid has a decent amount of content and won't set you back much, but if you decide to pass on it, you won't have missed too much.

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The Walking Dead: Michonne "In Too Deep" is easily one of the shortest episodes to be released and won't take you long to complete, but Michonne is an intriguing character and she has a lot of emotional baggage. Seeing how she will develop in the next two episodes is enough to make you want to come back for more. Those who decide to jump into the game will likely have experienced Telltale in one form or another; the gameplay remains the same as previous TellTale experiences and occasional lag unfortunately creeps back in.

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Feb 23, 2016

Layers of Fear is a fantastic example of why atmospheric games still deserve a place in the industry. While you'll be startled plenty of times by ghostly figures and distorted paintings, the tension and mood throughout the game will be what compels you to keep playing. The sound effects and music have been used to great effect and the way in which the environment manipulates itself around you adds all the more to the painter's insanity as he aims to complete his work. While the game is only at its full potential on your first playthrough, the extra secrets and collectibles help to add replayability to what may have originally been thought of as a "one play only" title, even if those extra playthroughs are quick ones. There have been much shorter and less polished games for the price point of £15.99/$19.99, so even though it's not exceptionally long, the quality easily counteracts this. If you're after an enthralling experience, horror fan or not, Layers of Fear is a great way to satisfy the itch.

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