Stuart Andrews

261 games reviewed
74.2 average score
80 median score
56.7% of games recommended
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Sep 4, 2015

Mad Max has its ragged edges, relying too much on not-so-optional side activities, but it's a fast, thrilling open-world action game that captures the spirit of the George Miller films. Bad timing makes it unlikely that it will be this year's Shadows of Mordor, but if so it won't be for a lack of effort, quality or style.

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You might come for the quickfire fun of the Ten Mario Challenge, but you'll stay for the pleasures of creating and the unpredictable delights of the Course World. Nintendo hasn't just produced a Mario construction kit, but a celebration of all things Mario where you're encouraged to get stuck in. Super Mario Maker is the real Mario Party.

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The biggest and best Disney Infinity yet, with more activities to get you started in the Toybox mode, and stronger playset campaigns when you just want to play a game. The lure of Star Wars will be enough for many gamers, but it's still the creative stuff where Infinity shines, giving kids not just the chance to explore the worlds of Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars, but the power to build their own.

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Aug 26, 2015

After a long and troubled development history it's hard to describe Devil's Third as disappointing, but whatever genius Itagaki possessed when he made Dead or Alive 2 or Ninja Gaiden seems to have deserted him with this one.

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Some folks will be telling you that Gears isn't as good as you remember, but this Ultimate Edition proves that they're talking nonsense. Don't blame Epic's blockbuster for the dumb, dudebro sci-fi action games that followed; it's a lean, superbly-paced action game with slick mechanics, stunning aesthetics and some fantastic set-pieces, all of which work as well now as they did back in 2006. The AI has its dodgy moments, but the game is still phenomenal.

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Aug 5, 2015

Submerged isn't a lengthy game or a game of innovative ideas and sophisticated gameplay, but it is a rich and haunting experience that uses exploration to tell its story. Its minimalist approach won't be for everyone, but connect and this could be one of the most memorable games you play this year.

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Aug 4, 2015

A fascinating voyage through thirty years of video games history, with some truly fantastic games along the way. Not all the oldies are goldies and some of the earliest struggle to hold up, but any compilation that can pull in classic platformers, pioneering shooters and cult-classics like Viva Pinata and is sequel are worth your time. Replay is a celebration, and these are games worth celebrating.

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Jul 31, 2015

With ropy graphics, repetitive gameplay and wretched controls, Godzilla is so bad that it's almost lovable. You get a lot of classic kaiju to play with, and smashing them through the sights of Tokyo can be strangely entertaining. Sadly, it's not entertaining enough to warrant paying out for a full-price game.

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Tembo's style, pace and emphasis on mass destruction sets it apart from other 2D platformers, and it's almost an elephantine four tonnes of fun. While the need to replay levels to harvest points can transform it into a grind, this badass pachyderm's infectious energy gives him irresistible force.

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A Knight to Remember might not have the emotive power and narrative sophistication of The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, nor quite the wit and humour of Double Fine's Broken Age, but it's given me the most enjoyable time I've had playing an adventure game in years. If subsequent chapters can maintain this level of quality, this series could give the King's Quest name a whole new lease of life.

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With a 1080p resolution bump and a smoother frame-rate, God of War III retains its place as one of the mightiest brawlers ever made. You can quibble about the lack of new features or the failure to upgrade and include the earlier two games, but when a game delivers this much intense, imaginative and downright magnificent spectacle you're almost helpless to resist.

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Jul 16, 2015

Rory McIlroy PGA Tour plays a great game of golf and has noticeably better graphics than the series previous-gen outings. There's not an awful lot wrong with the core game, and there are some nice surprises. The problem is that the lack of modes, courses, customisation options and players makes it feel only half-complete. This is a problem EA can fix with free DLC, but for now this feels like the foundation of a brilliant golf sim rather than the finished article.

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Jul 10, 2015

Short on modes, but big on racing, F1 2015 gives fans their most immersive F1 game to date. It could be stronger visually and the AI needs some work, but the first F1 to hit the next-gen consoles delivers both a thrilling drive and a strong core for future F1 games.

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Jun 30, 2015

When everything works and with the right control configuration, Project Cars is the strongest sim-style racer on console platforms, and the best all-rounder on PC. Less serious racers may find the career a bit of a slog, but if you prioritize quick thrills over authenticity and challenging racing, then Project Cars is not the game for you. Our only real gripe is that it's still a little buggy, with new issues creeping in with the 1.04 release. There's nothing wrong that the developers can't fix, and if they do they'll have a game that will still be a formidable contender when Forza 6 rolls onto the track.

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Jun 22, 2015

Yoshi's Woolly World is Nintendo doing what it does best, then proving that it still does that thing better than just about anyone else. It's a smart, imaginative and beautifully constructed platform game that scales up for the hardcore and down for the most casual gamer, while packing in so many ideas and so much heart that anyone should have a brilliant time. More than just a pretty platformer, it's right up there with the finest on Wii U.

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Jun 16, 2015

Lego Jurassic World isn't a high point for the Lego series, but it's more enjoyable than last year's Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, despite the absence of exotic alien worlds and a slightly dull cast. It doesn't stop the feeling that things need shaking up in the world of Lego games, but it still delivers what matters most: strong co-op gameplay, plenty of laughs, some engaging puzzles and a smorgasbord of silly slapstick fun.

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Look past the unimpressive graphics, shoddy team AI and connection issues, and Payday 2 is as exciting a co-op shooter as it was last year. In fact, bar a 1080p resolution and a smoother frame-rate, it's the same co-op shooter that it was last year, though there's enough additional content and bundled former DLC to make it a tempting package. There are too many irritations and frustrations to make it a must-have game, but if you like the sound of Payday's heist-related high-jinx, then the Crimewave Edition is the way to go.

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While we're not so impressed with the graphics, TESO has made a fine transition to console in terms of controls, interface and the all-important gameplay. At its best, it's still a solid, exciting MMO, with masses to explore, some great quest-lines and some fun multiplayer gameplay later on. At its worst, you can feel it falling somewhere between being a solo RPG and a true MMO, and the quest-lines fail to grab your interest. Tamriel is well worth exploring on PS4 and Xbox One, but those looking for an MMO equivalent of a Skyrim or Oblivion may go away disappointed.

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Jun 8, 2015

Splatoon is a wonderful concept with fantastic core mechanics and Nintendo's usual genius when it comes to visuals, scene setting and presentation. It's incredibly close to becoming the Mario Kart of Shooters that some people seem to think it is. Yet without more maps, a less restrictive approach and more inventive game modes, it might not hold our interest for more than a few weeks. With this in mind, we're downgrading the score to 7 until Splatoon is more fully fleshed-out. More content should be on its way this summer, and we just hope that addresses our concerns.

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Jun 8, 2015

Dirty Bomb is off to a promising start. It's very slick, feature-packed and polished for a free-to-play shooter, and while there are elements of pay to win in the business models, you can still have a good time and build up your Mercs without splashing out a lot. Most of all, in returning to its team-based, objective-based roots, Splash Damage has crafted a fast-paced, enjoyable shooter where everything meshes to get players to work together. It's definitely worth your time.

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