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Keith Mitchell

Claymont, Delaware

Favorite Games:
  • Dark Souls
  • Bloodborne
  • Ridge Racer Type 4

152 games reviewed
81.5 average score
80 median score
80.3% of games recommended

Keith Mitchell's Reviews

Editor in chief of The Outerhaven Productions, Family Man (Thanks, Guile), aspiring Twitch streamer and non-stop super​ busy IT professional. Keith D Mitchell is a man of mystery and one who loves all things technology. Currently he's trying to master the art of cloning, so he can take over world

Forza Horizon 4: LEGO Speed Champions is a nice change of pace and lets you explore a world of pure imagination. With plenty to do with several brickly block cars that will have you wondering why no one has done this before.

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May 13, 2019

This is Doom 2016 all over again. The action, the gunplay, the amazing gameplay is present. But this time, with Avalanche at the helm we also have this vast open-world fun of dynamic moments and plenty to do. Definitely don't sleep on Rage 2, because this is a game that doesn't let down as soon as you start it up. If only there was a way to get people out into the world outside of the story-based missions.

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Unscored - Dark Devotion
May 1, 2019

Dark Devotion has a lot going for it. Sadly, the cons outweigh the pros and drop in several systems that really need to be fleshed out before the game can shine. Until that happens, this game will leave you frustrated and lost, which isn't a good feeling.

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Fromsoftware's gamble to put down the sword and shield and take us to the Sengoku Japan period, with a lovable one-armed Shinboi has paid off. While being a fantastic hack and slash title, with an outstanding combat system that forces you to do better that's only matched by visuals and amazing sound production. Lots of action, with even more content to play through. Sekiro is one of the best gems of 2019 and I simply can't put it down.

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Mar 6, 2019

In the end, Devil May Cry 5 doesn't reinvent the wheel. Instead, it takes everything that fans of the series loved, dials it up to 11 and presents one of the best game in the series yet. Right up there with Devil May Cry 1 and 3 for me. Plenty of combat, the pacing is just right, and a nice amount of content to play through once you've reached the end. My only gripe is those blasted microtransactions, which I feel has no place in a game like this. A minor inconvenience in what I consider an enjoyable action game that I haven't been able to put down. It looks like Capcom has yet another GOTY contender on their hands. Devil May Cry 5 is every bit the game I was looking forward to and then some.

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Mar 1, 2019

Dead or Alive 6, is hands down the best title in the series. Lots of content, various modes to get you in fighting form and I found the gameplay incredibly fun. It's almost the total package, with the exception of the online lobbies not being in yet. Still, if that doesn't matter to you, a great time will be found in a game that doesn't take its self too seriously.  Which is absolutely fine by me.

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Feb 24, 2019

Devil Engine is a brutally hard, yet engaging SHMUP that simply must be played. An amazing title that takes bits and pieces from other classics, polishes them up and produces one of the best titles I've played in a while. Great visuals, good music, super tight controls and more than enough challenge, make for a  SHMUP that fans of the genre are going love.

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For a free DLC, Resident Evil 2 Ghost Survivors isn’t bad – unless you’re not a fan timed runs and minimalist approaches. With an amazing sound direction, as well as several compelling scenarios, it’s definitely worth giving a try. Be forewarned, some of these are even more stress-inducing than the 4th survivor. My only complaint is that I wish this was story-driven. Maybe we’ll see this next time.

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Feb 13, 2019

Being perfectly honest, after the last two Metro games, not only is this one refreshing change, one that was needed. The open world, the crafting, and the large assortment of NPCs that you'll encounter during the game. The Metro's closed walls and need for something more gave way to all of this. Sure, we're finally on the outside, yet the hellish world that you've come to know doesn't take a backseat. Instead, we're just introduced to more of it. There's a whole new world to explore and experience, all while this new setting does the game good. Now we just need to know which ending is canon this time around. If this is the future of the series, I can't wait to see what 4A Games does next.

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Jan 24, 2019

In the end, Unruly Heroes is a lot of fun as both a game you can just sit back and enjoy with friends and family. It has all the makings of an entertaining platform, which you'll enjoy for hours on end. It also makes for a fun party game, just make sure you're not drunk – you might die a bit too much. I just wish the game lasted a bit longer than it did. However, if you enjoy platformers, I'd definitely recommend giving this game a try.

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Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight/Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight serves up a heaping portion of fan service, enjoyable tunes and provides a nice amount of entertainment. Both titles appeal to fans of the Persona series, thanks to fan favorites busting a move on the dance floor. Fun, simple and a game that doesn't take its self too serious. Perfect for gamers who just want to relax and dance the night away, virtually that is.

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Oct 3, 2018

While I didn't think Playground Games could do it again, they absolutely have. Not only does Forza Horizon 4 surpasses their previous entries, but the addition of dynamic seasons helps to push longevity of the game and is well done. Tossing in a huge selection of cars and fun-filled challenges, this game does not disappoint. A game for both car lovers and gamers who love going fast, even if they're sideways while doing it.

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Sep 21, 2018

In the end, Rigid Force Alpha is a fun SHMUP. Sure, it doesn't reinvent the genre, but it nails the basics, provides a hell of a time and that's all any SHMUP can do. For being the first attempt from Com8com1, it shows that they've really listened to the SHMUP community and provided easily one of the best indie games I've played in a while.

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Sep 16, 2018

Dark Souls: Remastered is everything you remember from the original game, with a slicker coat of paint. The same great gameplay, annoying enemies, challenging bosses, now with a higher framerate. If you've never played the first or want to dive back into the world of Lordran, then Dark Souls: Remastered is calling your name.

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With Crystal Dynamics taking a backseat for the 3rd outing of the rebooted Tomb Raider, Eidos Montréal has stepped in. No stranger to the Tomb Raider world, they have managed to take everything that worked so well for the rebooted series and has perfected it. Perhaps the best title in the series, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a shining example of taking the best of the rebooted series, improving on it and letting it speak for itself. Talk about going out with a bang.

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Aug 6, 2018

Dead Cells is one of the harder games I’ve played in a while and that’s not a bad thing. Hand holding? Nope, you’ll find none of this here. One run might be the perfect run, where you spawn with the best weapon in the game and there’s not an enemy that can take you down. The next run, on the other hand, could end up being the run from hell. You spawn with the weakest weapon, you fail to find an upgrade on your way through the world and it seems like every enemy has your number. Well, that’s the point of the game. It’s not supposed to easy and while it may not be for everyone. Yet, for those who enjoy this sort of game type, you’ll be grinning from ear to ear.

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Jul 30, 2018

You know the saying, that good things come to those who wait? Well, this wait for Chasm has definitely yielded an amazing fun title, that should appeal to even the more hardcore of Metroidvania games. Beautiful, lots of stuff to do and tons of items and secrets to uncover, makes Chasm the game that will keep you busy for a long time. In fact, we just might be playing it longer than it took for this gem to be released.

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Jul 16, 2018

Mothergunship is a special kind of game. It combines the right about of bullet hell shooting, tosses in some platforming and makes you laugh at the same time. Lots of things to blow up, lots of cool gun configurations, tons of secrets to find and a game that you won’t tire of so easily.

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Jul 9, 2018

In the end, if you've played Ikaruga on any other previous platform, then you've played what is available on the Switch. However, that's also the beauty of it all. Ikaruga is a timeless classic and a game that is worth picking up again and again. The main question is should you pick it up. With the obvious answer being, HELL YES. Casual gamers will welcome the challenge, while SHMUP masters will feel right at home. And now you can take it on the go!

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Jun 5, 2018

State of Decay 2 basically takes everything that made the first game enjoyable, tosses in base building and more interesting NPCs. The combat is just as visceral and you'll still fight to stay alive in this post-apocalyptic zombie-filled world. A tad repetitive at times but still has more than enjoy to keep you entertained.

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