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Keith Mitchell

Claymont, Delaware

Favorite Games:
  • Dark Souls
  • Bloodborne
  • Ridge Racer Type 4

152 games reviewed
81.5 average score
80 median score
80.3% of games recommended

Keith Mitchell's Reviews

Editor in chief of The Outerhaven Productions, Family Man (Thanks, Guile), aspiring Twitch streamer and non-stop super​ busy IT professional. Keith D Mitchell is a man of mystery and one who loves all things technology. Currently he's trying to master the art of cloning, so he can take over world
May 17, 2018

Omensight attempts to combine the action of a hack and slash game, with an interesting on story-telling. While it succeeds in most areas, the game does have a few rough edges that made took my excitement level down a notch.

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May 8, 2018

Atlus's remake of the PS3 classic, Dragon's Crown Pro brings the game to the modern day with several enhancements. The updated visuals provide a much-needed bump in the image quality. While the remastered music keeps the same elements of the original but adds it's own flair. While this is only Atlus's second remastered title on the PS4, it shows how much love and dedication they've put into it. A favorite from the PS3 days, now veterans and newcomers will be able to enjoy it once again; while still being able to play with existing PS3 and PS Vita gamers.

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Apr 10, 2018

I enjoyed the combat and thought the concept of Extinction was really decent, it just wasn't implemented correctly. Worth a play, but only if the price was a bit lower. If you're looking for a game that lets you take down massive enemy creatures, stick with the original. Or pick this up for a fun rental night or wait for a price drop.

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Mar 21, 2018

Now, this is a proper anime game adaption. While making improvements over the first game, Omega Force has tightened the controls, made the screen less clunky and upped the amount of another. I would have liked the game to stray a bit more from the source material, still the title stands out of being what it is. It's fun, frantic and will keep you busy on ours on end, while you ou dish out some punishment to those darned Titans

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Ni no Kuni II is easily one of the best RPGs on the PS4 and PC. A masterpiece that needs to be played by everyone, regardless if you like RPGs or not.

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Everything that made the first Warhammer: Vermintide so good, while tuning and fixing the loot concerns. Vermintide 2 is an amazing and fun time for those who love the Warhammer universe and those who aren't familiar with it. Chaotic, fast-paced, full of character and with more than enough gameplay to keep you coming back.

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Feb 18, 2018

Platinum Games shining star from the days of the Wii U has made a huge comeback now that it's on the Nintendo Switch. With a heavy amount of action, a nearly 60fps experience, and huge replay value, Bayonetta 2 is right at home on the Switch. Fans of the game will fall in love all over again, while newcomers will be in for a massive treat.

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Platinum Games shining star from the days of the Wii U has made a huge comeback now that it's on the Nintendo Switch. With a heavy amount of action, a nearly 60fps experience, and huge replay value, Bayonetta 2 is right at home on the Switch. Fans of the game will fall in love all over again, while newcomers will be in for a massive treat.

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Feb 11, 2018

All in all, Monster Hunter: World is a fantastic journey into, well, the world of Monster Hunter. It hits all the checkboxes, provides a huge amount of replay value and it's a huge win for the franchise. And since I started on this review, Capcom has gone on record stating that the game has sold over 6 million copies. Which hopefully means that the return of Monster Hunter on consoles (and eventually PC) would be the last. Gone would be the days where the title was limited to mobile platforms, outside of the Japan-exclusive Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game. The game is a great jumping in point for newcomers to the series, while veterans will be right at home.

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Dec 20, 2017

AREA 35's first UNITES title is a solid effort. Despite its simplistic looks is a game that demands a good amount of planning and strategy. Tiny Metal will definitely be familiar to Nintendo fans who are still looking for their next Advance Wars fix. While gamers new to the genre will find that Tiny Metal is a nice diversion for all those AAA games that haven't lived up to the hype. To still a phase from the old 16-bit console wars, AREA 35 does what Nintendont.

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The Surge: A Walk in the Park is an enjoyable venture off the beaten path. While it takes place during the main storyline, it has just enough plot and substance to be enjoyable. With new weapons and armor to be had, there's something here for everyone. However, for those who are heavily invested in the game, there might not be enough to warrant the adventure.

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Nov 7, 2017

With the right setup and using a gamepad, Nioh is an enjoyable and passable experience on the PC. There's lots of content, the gameplay is fun (if you like this style of gameplay).

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Oct 24, 2017

When I get a WayForward Technologies game in my hands, I usually know I'm in for a treat. Except this time around I was really disappointed with what they had to offer. A generic Metroidvania-styled game, based on the failed Mummy reboot and completely devoid of any enjoyment. The gameplay is boring, the story is uninspiring and for the first time ever, I had to force myself to complete a WayForward title.

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Oct 16, 2017

The Evil Within 2 does a good job of finishing the original story. Seb gets reunited with his daughter and overcomes his guilt. That said, the game revisits multiple events from the first game. This assumes you've played it and if not, you're left following scraps of content from the game. Outside of the story, the game is quite different from the first. It's a good follow-up, even if the horror takes a back seat to the action. Thankfully the game also addresses the performance issues from the first game and it runs like a champ (if you have the hardware). A solid entry for those new to the survival horror genre. While veterans may be a bit disappointed as the game puts more focus on combat than providing the scares. Still, fans of the first game will eat this up and come back for seconds.

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I'm glad that Battle Chasers: Nightwar was finally released, despite never being on my radar. This title is a breath of fresh air with several innovative battle mechanics, enjoyable characters and a return to my beloved turn-based gaming. The story could have been better, but for those looking for more Battle Chasers, you're going to be in love with it.

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Sep 26, 2017

Ruiner is a fast-paced, hectic game of survival, cast in a cyberpunk filled future. A brilliant twin-stick shooter that is sadly riddled with control issues. Yet so full of fantastic artistic stylization, extremely pleasing visual and some pretty technical tricks. Definitely a good strong showing for Polish developer Reikon Games.

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Sep 18, 2017

In the end, Project CARS 2 takes everything that Slightly Mad Studios did for the original game, polishes it up and puts out perhaps the best racing title available on the PlayStation 4. Tons of cars, more tracks than you can shake a stick at, a full-fledged career mode and online options. Better controls, fantastic visuals, and PlayStation 4 Pro support. Yes, there are some rough areas and the sound isn't as good as I would have liked. Still, in the end, Project CARS 2 is an enjoyable and fantastic effort that I'm sure PlayStation 4 racing fans are going to enjoy.

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Sep 11, 2017

Sine Mora EX isn't actually the shining beacon that all SHMUP's should inspire to be, but that game is still a fantastic entry. But for the price, exceptionally replay value and fantastic visuals, you definitely can't go wrong snagging up the title for a weekend venture. A fantastic skyward entry that both novices to the genre and grizzled SHMUP vets can both enjoy.

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Nihon Falcom & Nippon Ichi Software has crafted yet another fantastic entry in the Ys series. The same great gameplay and storytelling elements that have become synonymous with the series, along with exceptional graphics. Sure, the top-down view has been replaced but the new 3D graphics help brings the world to life and I enjoyed the voice lines. Combine that with some enjoyable character development and a game that spans over 40+ hour and you got a game that you won't want to put down for a while.

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A worthy follow-up to the PC release of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC that we received years ago.

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