Jonathan White
- Megaman 2
- Final Fantasy X
- Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Jonathan White's Reviews
Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is an excellent example of how to craft a game that’s full of representation for a distinct group of people, yet still remain completely approachable for anyone else who wants to experience the tale.
From a gameplay standpoint, this is passable for a $3 game, but the physics based stuff needs a lot of fine tuning.
Overall, Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a really good revamp of the classic formula, but it’s also a pretty good action game for newcomers to the franchise. Considering these games have always had a niche following, it’s good to see them get a shot in the arm that might bring in some new blood.
Perhaps I’m being a little too harsh, but I expect that if you cash in on my childhood, you should at least give me an experience that’s more fun than the game I played 20+ years ago.
While I can appreciate the idea of a Furi styled boss battle, it just feels out of place considering what the rest of the game is. Maybe there was more planned or maybe they just decided that they didn’t know how to make the boss battle fit naturally into the flow of the arena. Maybe they ran out of time and decided it was good enough as it was. I’m not sure, but at $15, it’s hard to penalize them too much over a slightly disjointed final battle.
The story isn’t good and while Nehantu is more interesting to look at than the endless deserts, Blizzard has got to stop treating Diablo like an MMO. They need to treat it more like a single player dungeon crawler that also happens to have some online elements to justify these price tags. Especially when they’re already asking players to pay for a battle pass, there’s even less reason to justify this expansion costing more than $20.
If the entry price barrier is dropped, I think there’s some hope that this game will survive and grow. It’s just hard to gauge how well a VR game will catch on, but this one is worth checking out if you have a VR headset – just maybe wait to see if they drop the barrier of entry.
If you’re looking for a game that will ease someone into the VR experience, or allow someone who might be prone to sensory overload, Grokit‘s Mixed Reality approach might be the perfect tool to bridge that gap.
As a game, NWO Wars is incredibly easy with only the final level being even remotely challenging, so it’s pretty simple to blow through. There’s no way the game is worth the $17.76 price tag though.
Assassin’s Creed Mirage is probably the most appropriately named game in the series because you thought you were getting a full story, but really all you’re getting is another standalone Assassin’s Creed Valhalla DLC pack with a $50 price tag.
Players who aren’t into soulslike games will likely check this out on Gamepass and find themselves enamored with a whole new genre of games to explore. It’s tough but it’s rewarding and I’m happy to report that even with my middling feeling after playing the demo, Lies of P is one of the best games I’ve played all year.
It isn’t the biggest or the best game I’ve played all year, but Immortals of Aveum has been one of the most fun experiences I’ve had. If I had any real complaints, it’s that the story continually urges the player forward without any assurance that you’ll have time to explore later.
It ain’t perfect, but provided they continue the course Diablo IV is currently on, this might be the game that bridges the gap and makes Diablo the most accessible and ultimately the most fun it has ever been to players from any background.
I might feel a bit differently had this also contained both the original games (even if in Japanese for titles that didn’t come state-side) as well as these remasters so you could compare and contrast, but as it stands, there’s still so much potential that could have made the asking price worth it – but it sadly wasn’t capitalized on.
I might feel a bit differently had this also contained both the original games (even if in Japanese for titles that didn’t come state-side) as well as these remasters so you could compare and contrast, but as it stands, there’s still so much potential that could have made the asking price worth it – but it sadly wasn’t capitalized on.
I might feel a bit differently had this also contained both the original games (even if in Japanese for titles that didn’t come state-side) as well as these remasters so you could compare and contrast, but as it stands, there’s still so much potential that could have made the asking price worth it – but it sadly wasn’t capitalized on.
I might feel a bit differently had this also contained both the original games (even if in Japanese for titles that didn’t come state-side) as well as these remasters so you could compare and contrast, but as it stands, there’s still so much potential that could have made the asking price worth it – but it sadly wasn’t capitalized on.
I might feel a bit differently had this also contained both the original games (even if in Japanese for titles that didn’t come state-side) as well as these remasters so you could compare and contrast, but as it stands, there’s still so much potential that could have made the asking price worth it – but it sadly wasn’t capitalized on.
I might feel a bit differently had this also contained both the original games (even if in Japanese for titles that didn’t come state-side) as well as these remasters so you could compare and contrast, but as it stands, there’s still so much potential that could have made the asking price worth it – but it sadly wasn’t capitalized on.
With a little bit of loot system reduction, refinement to the morale system in regards to player level, removal of sociopolitical nonsense, and tweaks to make spirit attacks a bit more useful, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty could have a sequel that goes from pretty good to superb. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty isn’t perfect, but it sets a great baseline for what could become a terrific franchise much like Nioh did before it.