Matthew Mason

23 games reviewed
63.0 average score
60 median score
30.4% of games recommended
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4 / 10 - Troll and I
Aug 20, 2017

For every intriguing idea that Troll and I presents, there are a couple of design choices or technical issues that will aggravate players. It's ugly, clunky and bereft of certain amenities that players take for granted in this day and age. With so many games out to garner people's attention, Troll and I isn't as user friendly or quickly appealing as it needs to be in a flooded space. If you are someone who can look past technical hurdles there may be something worth divining here, but as a whole Troll and I is difficult to recommend.

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4 / 10 - Mecho Tales
Dec 19, 2017

While Mecho Tales looks to be a loving homage at first blush, upon further inspection that it's actually just aping its inspirations instead of integrating them into something refreshing or new. The presentation lacks personality and charm, the level design is rote and arbitrary and controlling your given protagonist never clicks. Despite the intricate visuals and unusual design, there's nothing on offer here that is genuinely compelling from a gameplay perspective.

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Nov 6, 2017

Whether you're a monster truck nut or not, you should avoid Monster Jam: Crush It! at all costs. It lacks a lot of polish, has a lackluster presentation, poor controls and no semblance of progression that can in any way be construed as satisfying. It feels like a slapdash attempt at riding the wave of Switch goodwill, but doesn't join the growing list of games on the system that are worth playing.

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