Jonathan Gordon
A series showing its age by refusing to evolve
Intriguing game held back by a faltering script
Sets a new benchmark for twin-stick shooters
Despite some bugs, a solid game with great freedom
Interesting, but takes 20 hours to get going
The narrative is drowned by mechanics
A beautiful journey with a few stumbles
A genuinely affecting love letter
Great combat wasted on an ageing concept
It fills you with determination
A beautifully crafted end to StarCraft II's reign
Embarrassing, quite frankly
The most educational and exhaustive edition yet
Redefined for a new gen, but still Rainbow six
An outstanding achievement but not without flaws
A fun adventure hampered by a lack of vision
Fun in small bursts, but overwhelmingly mediocre
Pretty empty, but damn hard to resist
A solid mid-carder
Minor flaws, but still a contender for JRPG royalty