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Christian Doyle

Manchester, United Kingdom

Favorite Games:

3 games reviewed
60.0 average score

Christian Doyle's Reviews

Christian Doyle is fuelled by caffeine and cheesecake. When he's not writing about video games he makes Dice Hard, the mildly amusing board game review show.
Sep 23, 2016

It feels like a missed opportunity. It starts okay, but it’s not long before the downtime or micro-management begin to push the enjoyable segments of gameplay further and further apart.

8 / 10.0 - Event[0]
Sep 14, 2016

A tense and atmospheric, albeit brief battle of wits with an AI system will provide you with a solid evening of interactive story entertainment.

5 / 10.0 - Filthy Lucre
Sep 10, 2016

Filthy Lucre strives to be a game of interesting choices between caution and gung-ho action. Unfortunately, the lack of challenge and inept AI mean that neither style of play is satisfying.

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