Alex Varankou

393 games reviewed
67.9 average score
70 median score
29.5% of games recommended
54 / 100 - The Crew
Dec 18, 2014

The Crew has a fantastic open world to explore and some decent ideas, but the rest of the game falters with every rev of the engine.

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Dec 1, 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 brings a box of new toys and drops them at your feet. Your enjoyment of the game will greatly depend on what you decide (and are able) to do with that assortment of goodies.

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Nov 26, 2014

With a new console generation, now is as good time as any to rebuild a legacy, and PES 2015 looks to have taken that opportunity. While not without a share of problems, the title lays a solid foundation for the future of this football franchise.

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82 / 100 - Far Cry 4
Nov 24, 2014

Far Cry 4 isn't really pushing the franchise forward, but it's a fun and robust entry all on its own.

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Nov 17, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Unity leaps into the new console generation with uncertainty. There are moments of excellence here, but the overall experience is very familiar and brings its own set of problems.

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Nov 15, 2014

Halo: The Master Chief Collection provides a comprehensive look at one of the most notable, and for some fans one of the most important, franchises in gaming.

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Nov 5, 2014

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel offers more of the same with some alterations, and that may be enough for fans of Borderlands 2. But if you only have a passing interest, wait until the price is reduced to a more reasonable level.

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80 / 100 - Sunset Overdrive
Oct 27, 2014

Sunset Overdrive delivers a fun, energetic mix of action and platforming, despite some narrative weaknesses and an overabundance of perks.

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67 / 100 - Driveclub
Oct 19, 2014

The debut PlayStation 4 racing title from Evolution Studios barely crosses the finish line. There are decent ideas here, but shortcomings in many areas keep Driveclub well back of a podium finish.

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78 / 100 - Velocity 2X
Oct 12, 2014

Velocity 2X offers unique, fast paced gameplay with solid controls and clever level design. An arbitrary experience gate may halt your end-game progress, but you'll at least enjoy the ride up until that point.

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83 / 100 - FIFA 15
Oct 2, 2014

FIFA 15 offers a glimpse into the future with new goalkeepers and emotion system, but at the moment it is only a tease. Regardless of that, this is still a complete and enjoyable experience of virtual footy.

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86 / 100 - Forza Horizon 2
Sep 25, 2014

Forza Horizon 2 offers almost everything that arcade racing fans crave, and it does so with style.

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76 / 100 - The Sims 4
Sep 20, 2014

The Sims 4 brings enticing new gameplay elements to the long running franchise, but removal of a few fan favorites and a general lack of content means it's not as easily recommended as its predecessors.

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63 / 100 - NHL 15
Sep 9, 2014

NHL 15 stumbles as it hits the ice on the new generation of consoles. Fans should wait for a price drop and a few patches, or just skip this year altogether.

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Aug 31, 2014

For newcomers, Infamous: First Light serves as a taste of the full experience in Second Son, complete with its highs and lows. Existing fans looking for more content will get the most out of this downloadable title, but will be disappointed that some of the concerns were not addressed.

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Aug 23, 2014

A fun and colorful shooter with unique visuals that's easy to get into. The gameplay mechanics are basic so players looking for something more may be underwhelmed; everyone else will be having too much fun with their customized characters to care.

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72 / 100 - Tropico 5
Aug 2, 2014

Taking control of El Presidente and ruling over a sunny paradise used to be a unique guilty pleasure for RTS fans. Tropico 5 retains some of that, and newcomers might appreciate the gameplay alterations, but overall the franchise seems to be slipping.

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70 / 100 - Sniper Elite III
Jul 6, 2014

Sniper Elite 3 puts in a respectable effort to improve on its predecessors, with bigger levels and more gameplay variety, but is ultimately let down by bugs and a lack of polish.

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Jun 1, 2014

It's Worms as you remember them, with a bit of added shine and a few new weapons. If it's been a while, you can't go wrong with Battlegrounds, though be weary of the hefty price tag.

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83 / 100 - Watch Dogs
May 27, 2014

Watch Dogs refines stealth action in an interconnected open world that's worth exploring.

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