Rowan Ryder
City of Light is a substantial improvement over the fourth episode, ending a unique and interesting series on a strong note despite some technical and pacing issues.
This is the worst episode in a great season, but it doesn’t seem as though it’ll tarnish the entire package too much. It’s inoffensive at best but feels very much like a way to artificially extend the story without any real substance.
Dishonored 2 is a game that encourages a creative approach above all else. Where other games settle for for a lone, linear path – or in some cases, even force it – Dishonored 2 offers several. Best of all, these different paths are meaningful, detailed and incredibly fun to explore.
Episode 3 continues to build on the groundwork laid down in previous episodes, and the plot is finally in full swing. While it's too early to call it, this could become one of Telltale's best games, or even one of the best Batman stories ever told.
Telltale's Batman: Episode 2 not only exceeds the first episode in every way but manages a fresh take on Batman lore, which is no small feat.
This is an easy recommendation to those who are fans of both Batman and Telltale, even before the next four episodes are released. Others may want to hold off, since the story is this episode’s high point, future episodes will dictate the total worth of the series.