BATMAN - The Telltale Series - Episode 5: City of Light

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

10 / 10
Game Informer
7.3 / 10
8.5 / 10
7.5 / 10
Metro GameCentral
5 / 10
PlayStation LifeStyle
6 / 10
Attack of the Fanboy
4.5 / 5
3.5 / 5
Creators: Telltale Games
Release Date: Dec 13, 2016 - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5
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'BATMAN - The Telltale Series' Episode 5: 'City of Light' Trailer thumbnail

'BATMAN - The Telltale Series' Episode 5: 'City of Light' Trailer

BATMAN - The Telltale Series - Episode 5: City of Light Screenshot 1

Critic Reviews for BATMAN - The Telltale Series - Episode 5: City of Light


10 / 10

Once again, only the overall score is necessary. Telltale delivers a consistent experience from start to finish, carried along by the strength of its story and voice acting. Gameplay is quite good for a Point and Click affair. Puzzles are on the casual end for sure for the genre, but the QTEs and dialogue segments are the true winners here. Replayability depends on the player. Those who care about the different choices will likely take it for another spin. The price is fair, but I would again point out that people need to be aware that you're paying for the incredibly high production of the story/acting rather than an epic saga that will take you years to complete. To conclude, Telltale fans likely don't need to be sold on this. Batman fans looking for a unique spin on things shouldn't miss it either. For everyone else, remember Episode 1 is free and what you see there only gets better.

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The finale is an inconsistent episode, but its highs are memorable

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Aside from those few stumbles, “City of Light” overall succeeds as an action-packed finale to Batman: The Telltale Series and Telltale’s vision of the Batman universe. Though I’ve known all (or at least most) of these characters for the better part of decades, the fact that Telltale’s finale made me want to continue seeing more of Bruce Wayne/Batman, Catwoman, Harvey Dent, and its numerous familiar faces speaks well on Telltale’s careful mix of the old and new when it comes to Batman. As the episode concludes with a reveal of what may come in a potential second season, the days of crimefighting for Bruce Wayne and Batman are clearly far from over, and based on what Telltale has offered with wrapping up Batman: The Telltale Series, I’ll be waiting for more.

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While I didn't have any trouble seeing this season through per se -- as the amazing action choreography helped -- City of Light did run out of gas once most of the major players bowed out. But truth be told, Telltale has created a strong universe to keep expanding on, and as long as it can keep supplanting well-known characters in the future, I can see an excuse to keep making this series more than any of its other projects to date.

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Metro GameCentral

5 / 10
Metro GameCentral

An underwhelming finale to what has been a consistently disappointing season of Batman adventures, with weak storytelling and bland visuals.

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This review will contain spoilers for all previous episodes and the current episode of Batman The Telltale Series. Here are our previous reviews for episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, and episode 4.City of Light isn’t a disappointing ending by itself, but it’s a ham-fisted conclusion to an unfulfilling take on an overplayed hero. Batman in the traditional sense just isn’t interesting anymore. He’s expected. And the unexpected is also expected, to the point that we’re looking for those things that will be different. We’re looking for the younger Cobblepots, the surprise villains, and the Wayne family twists. We’re expecting everything that any new Batman can throw at us, whether it’s the same or a twist. If there is a season two, there need to be some serious refinements to the structure and approach to make it work, and if Telltale doesn’t do something about their failing engine, it won’t matter what type of Batman story they try to tell next. Engine trouble may just end up leaving them stranded.

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Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 5 is a fantastic conclusion to this great series. The episode is a perfect amalgamation of everything that has worked so well in the series so far. It is also a massive improvement over its predecessors in a number of ways, and it takes the story began four episodes ago and ends it in a very satisfactory way. This is all on top of fixing most of the technical problems that have plagued the series over these last few episodes, delivering a finale that cements this as one of Telltale's best series to date.

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Judged against its peers, this version of the Dark Knight is only average; DC's best hero has seen far better stories but he's seen far worse, too.

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