Diogo Caeiro

133 games reviewed
62.6 average score
70 median score
21.1% of games recommended
Jan 5, 2016

Story of Seasons feels like a new chapter of Harvest Moon but it goes further than its inspiration. Its gameplay mechanics are very well executed, despite a rather slow start and its trade system, as well as the romance story, work like a charm. Where Story of Seasons disappoints is in its visual interface, which falls behind the benchmarks that the 3DS has set.

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Dec 28, 2015

It's very well designed and it can help those without programming skills with their first steps in this world. It also does its job with very well implemented touch controls, but it will not be a significant challenge to players who already have programming skills and its 38 levels might feel too short.

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Dec 9, 2015

Suffering from technical gaps, imprecise controls and a predictable and clichéd plot, Rodea still manages to display an interesting concept and gives the player a degree of freedom that is unusual in similar titles. Pity that its qualities don't weigh enough to redeem its flaws.

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Its gameplay is marvelously addictive and it follows a well constructed plot that will keep players holding on to it for dozens of hours on end. A very recommended proposal for fans of the series and for newcomers who feel curious about it.

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Nov 18, 2015

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash brings the fun and entertaining gameplay that is expected from a title in the Mario Tennis series, along with a wide variety of characters and courts which will keep its players around the racquets for quite a while. It doesn't go beyond that, as it also leaves the impression that the game needs some additional work and the lack of game modes make its content feel rather empty.

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Nov 2, 2015

Momonga Pinball Adventures offers something different and unique mechanics compared to other games of the kind. Its simple and effective gameplay mean that the player can get into it immediately but at the same time, it clearly does not go beyond the limits of a game designed for the mobile devices market.

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Oct 21, 2015

Extreme Exorcism is a delightfully fun and charmingly chaotic experience which renovates itself with each round of play. Boosted by a visual and sound environment that fit its concept perfectly, it would gain even more if only it featured an online component.

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Sep 24, 2015

Etrian Mystery Dungeon is a tough as nails RPG which demands a good level of strategic thinking when tackling the adversities ahead. Featuring lush and beautiful environments and a majestic soundtrack, it's a fun and compelling experience for RPG fans who like going deep into their endeavours. Those who prefer a light-hearted approach should be careful though, as this game will not show any mercy.

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5 / 10 - Roving Rogue
Jul 28, 2015

Roving Rogue departs from a unique and refreshing concept – what in the world happens when videogame heroes end their quests? It doesn't go much further than this, though, and quickly becomes a repetitive and unappealing generic platformer, which is a pity as there was a great potential to explore with such an original premise.

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7 / 10 - Ultratron
May 28, 2015

Ultraton is a fun and addictive arcade-style shooter which in many ways follows an old-school pattern of gameplay. It could surely benefit from a more extended lifespan and more variety on the attack patterns of the bosses but it still stands as one of the most fun shooters available on the Wii U's digital market.

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7 / 10 - The Fall
Apr 2, 2015

The control system needs some improvement, though, and the voice acting is far from the best ever done, but the narrative and exploration suit well those who are looking for a sci fi adventure in the Wii U's eShop.

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The level editor is an excellent choice to add to the game and the possibility to download its version released for the other console upon purchase is a welcoming sign from Nintendo. It could improve, though, by showing more original content when compared to its predecessors.

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7 / 10 - Chariot
Feb 1, 2015

The game offers a varied and fun experience, despite its occasional moments of frustration which will require some preparation from the players. A detailed graphical environment and a very fun multiplayer mode ensure that Chariot will be appreciated by players of all tastes.

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