Henrique Pereira
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Pokémon Gold & Silver
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Witch and Hero II may not fully live up to its potential due to a feeling of repetitiveness and confusing control mechanics but it does boast a rather interesting gameplay and has a certain charm of its own. While the levels could be more varied, the players will have to use elements of strategy and action to get through, which coupled with the game's humorous dialogues will still provide for a pleasant experience.
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The Grumpy Reaper is based on an interesting and original concept which is severely ruined by the way the game was executed.
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The game remains addictive, especially in its cartography system, and its contents will keep the most demanding players entertained for nearly 50 hours. While its plot and characters end up falling for the usual JRPG clichés and the restaurant management system is hardly the most exciting feature, this remains a fine game whose shortcomings are minimized by its all its redeeming qualities.
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Its lack of character and content are a real obstacle after the first entertaining moments around the game, as Ascent of Kings features very little in terms of plot and charm that could keep the players holding on to its decent gameplay.
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Within the tower defence style, this game falls below expectations as far as contents are concerned and it even gives the impression that it was not fully completed by the time of release. Its interface is far from intuitive, its elements lack variety and it can be surprisingly difficult in many instances.
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One might feel tempted to mistake Freedom Planet for a copy of Sonic The Hedgehog but that would be tremendously unfair for this work from GalaxyTrail. Its fun and precise gameplay mechanics, along with a wide amount of content and very original levels will bring hours of 2D fun which will resonate particularly well with 16-bit platforming enthusiasts. Were the mixture between action and platforming be more balanced and the boss fights less burdensome on the player and this would become an instant landmark of indie games.
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Translating M.C. Escher's mind-bending works into a game leads to The Bridge, a game whose puzzles, mechanics and visual presentation fit perfectly into the artist's legacy. It does exaggerate on its difficulty level, which can make progression too demanding for many players.
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Badland: Game of the Year Edition is a successful example of how a game designed for mobile devices can be interesting to play on the Wii U. Despite its inconsistencies and the lack of a solid plot, its gameplay provides some brilliant moments and the game is full of content and compelling ideas.
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Trine's first entry is a marvelously-crafted mix of RPG and platforms which includes ingenious level design, a very attractive audio-visual component and a very captivating storyline. It might not excel as much as its sequel but it works as a perfect introduction to the series.
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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate brings an enormous amount of content that will easily break the scale of longevity for many players. Offering high production values, a very methodic and in-depth combat system, as well as an excellent multiplayer mode, this is a game that cannot go unappreciated by those who appreciate a good adventure.
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And the wait for an outstanding, groundbreaking Sonic continues. Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal does not live up to the expectations due to a dull level design, a sub-par outlook and gameplay that is simply not compelling.
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Simple, psychedelic and effective, this is how one can sum up Cosmophony, the latest rhythm game to hit the Wii U's eShop catalogue. Its gameplay mechanics are very well implemented, which makes for long hours of fun topped by its sometimes too punishing difficulty level.
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The versatility of the Kirby franchise is only surpassed by Kirby's capacity to absorb enemies and their respective abilities. Triple Deluxe, however, does not go all the way through and is rather an example of a classic Kirby game transplanted to the 3DS. Level design starts to show some fatigue but Kirby and his enemies are as delightful as ever in their colourful ways and 3D depth perception effects.
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This crossover between Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright brings the best of two worlds into one game. With its very well thought and executed concept, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is set to charm fans of both series alike. It does miss out, though, on the quantity and quality of the puzzles offered, as well as on the lacklustre outcome of its plot, perhaps a casualty of such an ambitious crossover.
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It's undeniable that Wii Sports Club is a clear improvement over the original, with its improved graphics, precise controls and online multiplayer mode. In spite of this, Nintendo could have taken a bigger risk, by developing a true sequel to Wii Sports. As it is, one has to wonder if its price isn't a bit excessive for what it offers.
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