Aran Suddi

299 games reviewed
71.3 average score
70 median score
59.0% of games recommended

Aran Suddi's Reviews

Aran Suddi has been a game reviewer for over four years, based at TheSixthAxis. He is also the site's co-news editor, bringing as much news as he possibly can to players. Aran's love for gaming began when he received a Sega Mega Drive when he was six years old, and is a fan of all genres though RPGs are his most preferred games.
5 / 10 - NBA 2K19
Sep 26, 2018

Whatever viewpoint you're coming from, NBA 2K19 is both slightly better and a bit more competent than its predecessor, but there are still issues that need to be addressed. It is still clearly designed so there is an underlying temptation to invest in some VC just to get to the good bits, instead of spending days, weeks, months slowly building up your player or your team. That said, whatever score it's given really won't matter since the NBA 2K series will remain dominant when the competition isn't as strong as it could be. While NBA 2K19 is competent it has also, for me at least, continued down the road of not feeling as fun or exciting as previous NBA 2K titles. This year, the feeling isn't so much of outcry as it is fatigue at having seen the gradual changes take place over the last several years.

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Burning Bridges is a lot less action-packed with no major set pieces that stand out. Instead, this episode Louis interacts with only a few of the inhabitants of the island with most of the discussion taking place between himself and Mortimer. These chats do reveal a lot of information as well as secrets that have been the focus of Sarah's investigations, with a number of revelations being dropped without much fanfare.

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Sep 19, 2018

The Gardens Between is a short and simple adventure that holds a lot of charm. It plays upon the nostalgia we all have for childhood and focusses on experiences we've left behind in adulthood. It's also distinctly bittersweet in how it deals with the nature of change within relationships. While it's not the longest game, it's perfectly put together, and though the puzzles aren't too difficult, the way they're crafted should be praised as should the whole package.

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Sep 11, 2018

PES 2019 is a good football game. It isn't a major improvement over last year's title, but despite the lack of the Champions League it isn't worse either. The matches play well, the modes are well crafted for the most part, and there's plenty of fun to be had. There are some things that do need addressing which haven't been touched since over recent iterations, but hopefully they can be fixed in future patches and updates.

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Aug 24, 2018

Death's Gambit is almost an above average 2D hardcore title, with challenging bosses and some solid environmental design. However the game lacks atmosphere and the story just doesn't quite take hold. The world is compact enough that repetition is unavoidable, and repeating the same steps can you wear down. Death's Gambit isn't a bad game but it simply doesn't have the spark that others in the genre do.

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4 / 10 - The Wardrobe
Aug 13, 2018

The Wardrobe is a point and click adventure that had a lot of potential, but it lacks what better games in the genre have done. The plot of the game is poorly held together by scenarios that barely make any sense, puzzle design leads to a lot of guesswork with very few clues to steer you in the right direction, and characters are mere plot devices. Yet the humour can be funny if a little crass at times, and while Skinny is a moody and annoyed character, his personality fits for someone who died suddenly in their teens. The Wardrobe had the scope to be better, but a lacklustre plot and strange puzzle design make its hard to recommend for point and click fans.

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Jul 24, 2018

While it can be argued that is entertaining, it also means those moments feel glossed over. Yet Ripples does keep your attention and its actual end really does set up a showdown of words that has great potential.

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7 / 10 - The Crew 2
Jul 4, 2018

The Crew 2 is a fun game in a lot of ways, but lacklustre in others. For every enjoyable event there may be another that is frustrating or simply a little boring. The open world can be great to explore, but thanks to being able to fast travel to every event you don't ever actually need to physically cross the USA. Ubisoft should be commended for really taking a risk with The Crew 2 by adding so much and taking proceedings less seriously, but while The Crew 2 is a good arcade racer it still doesn't quite rank among the best.

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6 / 10 - Vampyr
Jun 4, 2018

Much like its early 20th century setting, Vampyr feels like a bit of a throwback to a past age of action RPGs. In a time where the genre is evolving Vampyr holds on to past ideas for much of its tenure, and it doesn't have a story strong enough to overcome that fact. The world itself is ripe for lots of stories to be told within, with Dontnod having done a good job with world building, but while Vampyr isn't a bad game, nor is it as great as it could be.

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May 31, 2018

Horizon Chase Turbo is an old school inspired arcade racer that can be both fun and frustrating to play. When it is at its fun moments then the attitude of just one more race takes over as you become engrossed. When the game throws up its frustrating moments they can override a lot of goodwill. If you're looking for an arcade racer then Horizon Chase Turbo is worth considering, but don't let its charming looks fool you as you'll face a tough challenge within.

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The Council's second episode doesn't manage to hit the highs of the first, which could be down to it being smaller in scale in comparison. Hide & Seek's murder mystery does bring you in and advances the overall plot in a big way, but at the same time it feels like more could have been made of it.

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5 / 10 - Extinction
Apr 10, 2018

Extinction is a game that has large ambitions, but fails to be as exciting as it could have been. The Revanii look imposing, but are less threatening than the smaller enemies that accompany them, and with a mixture of lacklustre storytelling, repetitive action and some technical issues, Extinction end up a remarkably average title.

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The Mad Ones' episode lays the foundation of a potentially intriguing mystery narrative, part An Inspector Calls, part Murder on the Orient Express. The Social Influence system, if implemented well through the rest of the episodes, really could be a game changer for narrative adventures, evolving a genre that has needed fresh ideas for a while.

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7 / 10 - The Station
Feb 19, 2018

If you're a fan of exploration titles then you should enjoy this. While The Station doesn't reach the heights of some other titles in the genre, it is a good attempt and tells a slightly different story. Hopefully the audio and visual bugs can be ironed out, but The Station is an intriguing little mystery that has you guessing what happened to the crew on board right until the very end.

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Feb 6, 2018

EA UFC 3 is a good representation of the sport franchise, offering a well put together fighting game that represents the different styles and weight classes found in MMA. The action in the octagon mimics reality very well, with a decent career mode helping people to learn the ropes. On the online front, there's a divide between Ultimate Team and standard online divisions with the latter winning out in both accessibility and fairness. If you're a UFC fan in general, then this is a good game to pick up.

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6 / 10 - Out of Ammo
Jan 29, 2018

Out of Ammo is a decent experience that blends RTS and FPS together, and if can be fun if you want something quick and not too taxing. However, it's a game that shows its hand very quickly and doesn't offer much beyond that.

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8 / 10 - Shooty Fruity
Dec 21, 2017

Shooty Fruity is a fun arcade shooter for VR that will be enjoyable for many people regardless of skill. The simple control mechanics makes it easy to pick up for anyone. Shooting aggressive fruit with various weapons is absurdly entertaining, while the pressure to perform basic tasks keeps you on your toes. Shooty Fruity is a simple premise well executed.

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Nov 29, 2017

Oriental Empires is a very well made strategy game that allows you to get through a campaign in a few hours instead of having saves that span days, though that is an option as well if you wish. Despite its smaller scope focusing on Ancient China instead of the globe, the stakes actually feel higher due to the limited resources and high number of factions fighting for them. While some of the systems require a lot of getting used to Oriental Empires is well worth persevering with.

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8 / 10 - Wuppo
Nov 21, 2017

If you like charming platformers then Wuppo may just be for you. The game offers a fun, though at times frustrating experience with a number of challenges to overcome. The world of Wuppo is quite unlike any other and filled with a lot of neat little touches, and though the story may be predictable it is well-told, likeable and easy to pick up.

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The Inner World: The Last Wind Monk is far from being a bad adventure, game but it is nowhere near as good as some other recent releases. Neither the story or the characters really grab you, and some main characters even become unlikable. One of the few saving graces are the puzzle designs themselves which are put together really well. The balance is skewed toward the puzzles, while the story it is wrapped in becoming quite a forgettable and a boring affair at times.

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