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Jim Hargreaves


Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  • Crash Team Racing

282 games reviewed
65.9 average score
70 median score
41.8% of games recommended

Jim Hargreaves's Reviews

Senior Editor at TheSixthAxis with a journalism degree and almost a decade of professional writing experience under the belt. Friendlier than my reviews often portray though admittedly hard to please. Will play just about anything though mainly lean towards online shooters and western RPGs.
8 / 10 - Dreii
Mar 16, 2016

Dreii really is a one-of-a-kind experience, ranking among my favourite puzzle games of all time. Although remarkably basic in premise, it makes use of simple tools and mechanics to glorious effect. If you're particularly price sensitive then we would strongly advise waiting for it to go on sale, but for those who want to immerse themselves in something truly unique, you may find plenty of value in its current asking price.

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7 / 10 - Screencheat
Mar 15, 2016

Unique, accessible, and hilarious to play with friends, Screencheat comes together nicely in one neat little package. It's a chaotically nostalgic trip down memory lane and one that Samurai Punk has fleshed out nicely with a range of systems that shooter fans will be comfortable with. That said, it's tenure over the sitting room may be short-lived. Although fun in small bursts, it doesn't have quite the same staying power or online community that other games enjoy.

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Mar 11, 2016

After releasing the fantastic Samurai Warriors 4, things slowly started to go downhill for Koei’s flagship franchise. Instead of continuing to innovate, it felt as though developer Omega Force decided to take a breather, letting its guard down as stagnation began to set in. This is definitely the return to form fans were no doubt hoping for.

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Mar 10, 2016

Square-Enix and IO Interactive have certainly taken a gamble with Hitman, but so far it seems to paying off. With a low-price entry fee, there's enough included within the intro pack to last a good dozen hours or so, especially when you factor in user-generated contracts and other live game modes. There's certainly enough here to whet anyone's appetite, allowing IO to turn present future updates as mini-events, maintaining a constant buzz among fans throughout the year.

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Mar 2, 2016

It's not impossible to overlook Alekhine's shopping list of shortcomings. There were a few occasions when everything would neatly come together and create something genuinely fun and entertaining. However, the consistency simply isn't there.

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Feb 24, 2016

Despite having enjoyed the original game on iPad, for some reason I didn't keep it installed for long. In a weird kind of way, this console adaptation feels just as definitive as its title purports to be without really changing anything. Reflecting on this strange trail of thought, I suspect it has much to do with the presence of an actual game controller and time pressures often associated with playing games on mobile devices. Either way, Hitman GO: Definitive Edition is well worth the plunge, even at its current asking price. Although the cost has been inflated, you'd be hard-pressed to find a puzzle game of this calibre on PSN or Steam for just over a fiver.

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Feb 22, 2016

Branding Far Cry Primal as a cheap reskin would be harsh. Although largely formulaic, there's enough here for both fans and newcomers to sink their teeth into, not to mention a wonderfully realised depiction of the stone age. However, beneath this wildly altered aesthetic, for better or for worse, Ubisoft is still playing it safe. Personally, I found Primal to be far more entertaining than Far Cry 4, but even then it's hard to overlook the series' systematic regurgitation of ideas and concepts.

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Feb 19, 2016

Whether a returning fan or simply someone looking for a new roleplaying game to play, Cyber Sleuth caters to both parties. Although those familiar with the brand stand to gain more from this recent revival of the series, the gameplay systems are accessible for just about anyone. Still, despite its overall fun factor, Digimon Story isn't exactly innovative, while also being hamstrung by a few niggling issues.

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Feb 16, 2016

In a way, it feels kind of cruel to mark Gemini down. For all its flaws and lacklustre looks, you can tell that Phosphor were really onto something in the way it experimented with superpowers here. Given more time and resources – and without being weighed down by the Heroes license – the studio could have created a truly special comic book adventure.

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When an Assassin's Creed game has you swearing under your breath more than Super Meat Boy or Dark Souls, you know that something has gone terribly, terribly wrong. Where difficulty can be used to make a game more addictive or rewarding, here it manages to sap every ounce of fun out of the experience. Factor in the copious amount of idle waiting the stealth genre entails and what you have is a frustrating game that besmirches one of the industry's biggest franchises.

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Feb 8, 2016

For those who love the novels, manga, and television show, this is perhaps the only Arslan game you'll ever get to play, unless a sequel is already in the works. Based on that fact alone, it's sure to reel in fans although other players may fail to see the appeal. Tear the anime-patterned wrapper away and what you have is essentially another iteration on the same aging format Omega Force has been peddling for years. In this case it has been slightly altered but not enough to conceal the franchise's ongoing fatigue as fewer bold ideas are brought to the table.

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8 / 10 - Unravel
Feb 7, 2016

In many ways, Unravel comes as a surprise. For one, EA isn't exactly your go-to publisher when it comes to smaller, riskier projects such as this. Then there's the developer, ColdWood Interactive, itself. Based in Umeå, Sweden – which explains a lot about Unravel's artistic influences – the team has worked on titles such as PlayStation Move Fitness and The Fight which, although serviceable, haven't bag them many accolades.

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6 / 10 - The Witness
Jan 29, 2016

Despite occasional pangs of belittlement, The Witness refuses to release its hold on me. Although there are aspects of the game that I clearly dislike, part of me longs to be immersed within its fascinating world. It feels strange, therefore, to try and put a score on this review, given how each individual will react differently to it. That term may be overused but if you were to spend just an hour or two with the game, you would know it to be true. Unique, divisive, and fiendishly clever, there are bound to be those who love it and those who absolutely hate it. Then there are those, like myself, who fall somewhere in between, able to appreciate Thekla's achievements but frustrated at how The Witness continues to build a wall around itself, as if guarding a secret from its players.

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Jan 29, 2016

Final Fantasy Explorers certainly has the potential to grow into worthy Monster Hunter alternative, but its first attempt is a little way off. Despite being nothing more than satisfactory in some key areas, there are some neat ideas at work that, if combined with a revised approach to gameplay, could make this the strongest Final Fantasy spin-off series to date. It's way too early to start dreaming about sequels or what could have been, however. What we have here is imperfect though some will undoubtedly find themselves exploring Amostra for many hours to come.

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Jan 11, 2016

It makes one or two minor stumbles along the way, but The Banner Saga continues to stand tall two years after its original release. Empowered a truly jaw-dropping art direction and the masterful audio work of composer Austin Wintory, Stoic's plans to expand the franchise are certainly justifiable.

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Dec 17, 2015

If you're the sort of gamer that hates to grind, then Story of Seasons is one you should avoid, despite how accessible the overall package is. True, Marvelous has scaled back some of the series' tedious tasks but the option to automate the process for the lazy, more casual gamer would have been a nice addition. However, if you're a fan of Harvest Moons' more recent offerings then Story of Seasons should be right up your alley. There's some initial monotony to get past initially, but it's followed by a rewarding, content-rich game to be explored here and one that will warrant your attention whenever you get a spare few minutes to visit the farm.

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The Odd Gentlemen have pitched an ambitious curveball and although it's easy to appreciate what they've done when that ball hits its mark, the arc it follows is a confusing one to watch in motion. Although the experiment ultimately pays off, it will have rattled players in the process, but I'm more than confident the series will be steered back on track.

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Nov 27, 2015

Despite its technical problems and some missing features, Primal Carnage is far from being a bad game. For an independently developed title it looks pretty stunning, even if some of the animations are slightly off. However, as much fun as I've had messing around with the various classes and game modes, Primal Carnage simply doesn't have the lasting appeal I look for in a multiplayer shooter. If played with friends, it will serve up several hours of grin-inducing fun but beyond that very little else.

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Out of the six episodes, The Ice Dragon stands head and shoulders above the rest. Although this was to be expected, as with most story-driven games, this final instalment does a grand job in showing just how cinematic Telltale's adventure series have grown while passionately adhering to source material.

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Nov 8, 2015

We're not likely to find out exactly what troubles the team at Prope faced on Rodea's rocky road to market. The end product is evidence enough to suggest that something went wrong along the way, and it's a real shame. With a little more refinement and even the lightest of facelifts, Rodea could easily have been a Nintendo exclusive worth owning.

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