Gareth Brierley
Portal Knights is a great game that is definitely worth the price tag. If it came delivered as a full price title, I would still have highly recommended it.
Narcosis is a solid game with a great premise, some excellent voice acting and a great story. The problems I have are with the central premise, which is the pacing of being underwater, and the unwieldy aspects, which this evokes.
I would highly recommend giving Seasons After Fall a play, no matter whether you like platforming, puzzling or just foxes.
Overall and I’ve really enjoyed my time with Elliot Quest. It’s a brilliant homage to those games I played back in the 1990s, with bleary eyed mates and cheap lager. For some, this will be the Holy Grail of retro gaming, and if you are one of them, you’ll want to follow Elliot on a trip down memory lane.
If you like fast paced action games with a retro twist, then this is going to be one of those five star games that you’ll love. If you hate these type of games, and you know who you are, I would say give it a go and persevere, because it does reward the effort.
If you love taking charge, want to manage worlds, balance budgets and take on a heavy load in your quest to become god, then this is the game for you.
I’ve really enjoyed my time with this very unique game. Yes there are pacing issues and it does outlive its welcome once we get about two thirds in, but for the price, there is a lot of game on display here.
Four Sided Fantasy is a brilliantly complex puzzle game. Now this might not be the game for everyone and a few will give up after the first hurdle, but that would be a shame because it has so much more to offer. The design, sound and concept are original and unique, whilst the price is perfect and makes it well worth a punt.
Look, you will know whether this is the kind of game you might like by looking at the trailer or screenshots, but it’s a game about character, story and atmosphere, rather then high action.
If you want a game with a solid platforming base and a lot of challenging gameplay, pick up an axe and enter the village of SkyKeeper.
Overall, I found my time with Kitty Powers fun and unique, whilst leaving my face always smiling. The package the developers have put together is really polished and tight, with some great mini-game fun to be had. I do think the price is a bit too high though and if it were under the £10 mark it would be perfect. The game does drag after a while and you lose the impact of going on the dates and playing the mini games, especially when the stakes get higher.
Overall and there most definitely are lots of problems with this little indie game. The story is hard to follow, there are no instructions, and at times, it’s stupidly buggy. But it is only £4 and after my initial 10 minutes, I enjoyed the journey it took me on. The art style is cool, the gameplay when you get used to it is solid and the characters are endearing. For the price, you may as well give it a whirl.
I have really enjoyed my time with Warhammer Quest and more than happy that it reminded me of games and D&D experiences from times gone by. It is very addictive and there is a lot of content that will take you a good chunk of time to get through, but it can get very repetitive, and also gets very hard as you progress.
Overall, I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface of my time with Torment: Tides of Numenera. There are many hours of gameplay to be had here and if you’re after an old fashioned, but fresh RPG, which takes its role playing roots seriously, then this is a must buy for you. If you love story and narrative, rather than action and shooting, then you should be grabbing it right now. Those who are new to this type of game and are unsure of what to expect, but want to experience a deep, immersive RPG, then turn up and give this a go too – you won’t be disappointed.
Simply put, Typoman is a superb indie title that I had a brilliant time with. The main campaign may be over in around four hours, but there are a couple of mini games that test your creating skills to the max. The world, the story and gameplay it creates are stunning, with real deep moments of sadness quickly switching to those of hope.
I loved the world of Uncanny Valley and the work that the developers have put into the tone, style and feel of the game. I didn’t like playing the game so much though and at times it felt like a horrible chore, mainly because of those controls.
I’ve had a great story experience with The Assembly. It’s got a wonderful central premise that it explores beautifully, with a world that is full of integrity and intrigue. The sections revolving around Dr Stone are the more successful of the two, with brilliant puzzles and superb conundrums. The game finishes way too early, just as it feels like it’s really starting to find its feet, but maybe that’s okay when you take in the price.
I enjoyed my time with the Candleman. It’s an old-fashioned platformer with some very neat tricks and a lot of highly enjoyable gameplay. It might be a bit too samey for some regarding pace and style, but the story is charming with a very downbeat ending, that nearly ruins your investment in the little candle guy. But in conclusion, please give this a go if you like your platformers, love candles and hate the dark. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Overall the game is one of innovation, unique design and a brilliant concept. It can be disturbing, emotional and horrific, but always tries to be positive in its outcome. The gameplay puzzles can get tricky and the controls a bit muddy at times, and it’s definitely a game where its more exploration heavy and interaction light. This won’t be an experience for everyone, but if you’re unsure I would say to take the plunge into the subconscious, free your mind and take a risk with an original thoughtful intelligent game.
Overall, Wick is a game that isn’t bad to play, but it isn’t overly brilliant to play either. It delivers a horror experience with some nice jump scares and brilliant sound effects, but the gameplay lets the experience down; becoming frustrating and boring rather too quickly.