Luke Brown

Favorite Games:
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Mirror's Edge

106 games reviewed
81.1 average score
85 median score
73.6% of games recommended

Luke Brown's Reviews

Editor-in-Chief of Arcade Sushi Luke Brown is an experienced video game journalist who has contributed to Official Xbox Magazine and Games Radar. An avid comic fan and action figure junkie, he's also a senior editor at ComicsAlliance, handling mostly toy and collectible coverage.
9.5 / 10.0 - Grand Theft Auto V
Nov 25, 2014

The improvements make an already fantastic game that much better, and even if you've already run through everything it had to offer, it's worth another go. Grand Theft Auto V can now lay claim to not only being one of the best games of its generation, but also one of the best remakes as well.

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There's no telling just how many twists and turns will occur, but even casual Borderlands fans will find plenty to like here. This is one of the best first episodes we've seen from Telltale, and quite possibly one of the best episodes of all Telltale's work.

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Nov 19, 2014

There are more characters and locations than previous entries, but somehow Lego Batman 3 feels more constrictive than ever.

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Nov 7, 2014

Advanced Warfare is the most exciting Call of Duty has been in years.

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5 / 10.0 - The Evil Within
Nov 2, 2014

The Evil Within feels like a the worst kind of throwback--one that feels stale, uninspired and most disappointingly, boring.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Alien: Isolation
Oct 17, 2014

Alien: Isolation is not just a brilliant homage to the original film, it's also given us plenty of reasons to be completely afraid of the dark again.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Destiny
Sep 30, 2014

It's unlikely the Destiny of today will be the same Destiny we're playing in a few weeks or months, but the reality of the matter is the Destiny of today isn't all that amazing. It has moments, sure, but right now Destiny relies too much on promise, and not enough on delivering.

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Bigger, badder and muy caliente than before, Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition makes an already great game even more enjoyable.

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7 / 10.0 - EA Sports UFC
Jun 20, 2014

As this is the first game for a new set of consoles and with a new development team, growing pains are expected. We just didn't expect them to revolve around concepts previously implemented in older titles. At its core though, EA Sports UFC is a great first step for the franchise. We just hope that over the course of development for the follow-up, many of these missteps are corrected.

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May 27, 2014

As Johnny Cash once said, "I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back." In Always Sometimes Monsters, you're already carrying that darkness. It's just a matter of how far you can go with that much weight on your shoulders.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Super Time Force
May 16, 2014

Super Time Force may not look like a complex shooter that's full of depth, but as that old adage goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Most of those words are going to be expletives when playing STF, but cursing at a game has never been more enjoyable. When you add in the stellar chiptune soundtrack, loads of replayability and a silly narrative packed with sophomoric charm, it's easy to understand why we've been making so much time to play Capy's Super Time Force. You should, too.

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8.5 / 10.0 - MLB 14: The Show
May 14, 2014

The good news is, MLB 14: The Show translates wonderfully on the PlayStation 4, but outside of improved presentation, there isn't much new to be excited about.

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7 / 10.0 - Trials Fusion
Apr 21, 2014

While not as impressive as its predecessor, Trials Fusion still offered a good sense of achievement, even if it was missing a lot of the fun.

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Mar 26, 2014

Even though Sucker Punch still hasn't evolved the moral narrative of the Infamous series, Second Son is thoroughly enjoyable game. The abilities are awe-inspiring, the combat is easy to understand and master, but most of all, it's fun to play. Whether you choose to enjoy Infamous: Second Son as the hero or the villain, Sucker Punch once again shows just how great it is at developing exciting superhero adventures. We can only hope that next time around, we actually feel the weight of our decisions, and are compelled to choose by more than carrots at the ends of ropes.

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Mar 19, 2014

As a way to show off all these new controls and concepts, Ground Zeroes is a success. As a full game experience, Ground Zeroes doesn't quite stand up. For everything Ground Zeroes does new and exciting, it's just a glimpse into the future of the franchise, and isn't a full-fledged game. Does it have us even more excited for The Phantom Pain? Absolutely. Did Ground Zeroes warrant a full retail release across multiple platforms? That's a bit more debatable. There are just too many empty calories here, and despite all the new facets presented, Ground Zeroes left us wanting.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Titanfall
Mar 13, 2014

It's definitely one of the most entertaining multiplayer shooters we've ever played, but it's still too rough around the edges to truly challenge any of the incumbents right now. Still, Titanfall stands on the cusp of this new generation, ready to blaze its own path to greatness. Titanfall is not a perfect game, but it sure is fun. Sometimes, that's all you need.

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Feb 28, 2014

All-in-all, Garden Warfare is a fairly unremarkable experience. The gameplay is fun, but it's definitely also derivative of elements we've seen executed better elsewhere. That's not to say there aren't some interesting aspects. There just aren't enough to make it stand strongly on its own. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare isn't a bad game, it's just not a very inventive one despite its catchy premise.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Strider
Feb 28, 2014

Strider wears its influences on its sleeve, but ultimately, this reboot doesn't bring much to the table beyond its stellar presentation.

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7 / 10.0 - Outlast
Feb 13, 2014

There's actually some fun in traversing the asylum with friends around, or by streaming it online via the PlayStation 4's many sharing options. Plus, there's a decent enough mystery at the core of Outlast, and uncovering it bit by bit can be enjoyable if you're able to get invested. There's just not enough engaging material to keep you from getting bored after a few hours. There's plenty of room in the survival horror market for someone to come along and really revitalize the genre. Outlast just isn't that game.

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Feb 12, 2014

While her story is quite different from previous DLC protagonist Adam Kane's, it's still just more of the same.

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