Vijay Sinha
Dragon Quest Heroes II is an hack-and-slash Dynasty Warriors clone that's laced with appreciated RPG flavoring. A must for any Dragon Quest fan, and a nice starter to those who aren't into this kind of genre.
What Remains of Edith Finch is a short but bittersweet adventure of a family struggling to live with its past. It's not exactly bombastic but it'll likely tug a heart string here or two.
A long time coming and rather long in the tooth mechanically, Syberia III can't overcome its lack of polish, technical issues and shoddy script to really live up to its predecessors.
Lego City Undercover is a comical, open-world adventure set in a Lego world that doesn't borrow from other franchises. Despite the warts, it's easy to get yourself lost in its whacky tale.
As a well-rounded platforming experience with smart writing, fun platforming, strong production values and evocation of the good ol’ days, Yooka-Laylee is worth your time.
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity has a solid foundation to draw in new fans, and is a welcome addition to the genre for fans like myself.
If you’ve already played it, there’s not a whole lot of incentive to dive back in, especially you’ve already experienced all its 20 plus endings. But if you haven't, Zero Escape: The Nonary Games is a great way to jump into the series.
Although LEGO Worlds is a little rough around the edges and is definitely not a Minecraft killer, it's a delightful game that LEGO fans should look into.