Danilo Dellafrana

231 games reviewed
81.1 average score
82 median score
66.2% of games recommended
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8.2 / 10.0 - Triangle Strategy
Mar 3, 2022

Triangle Strategy knows how to tell an exciting story, and that's its greatest asset. The strategy mechanics are unfortunately inferior to the great classics from which it takes its inspiration, but the great replayability should keep you glued to the Switch screen for a long time.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Chocobo GP
Mar 3, 2022

Chocobo GP is a decent alternative to Mario Kart, hampered by the presence of such an important opponent on the same console. It lacks that flash of brilliance, that uniqueness that allows it to outdo its elusive rival, and a future that already leans towards microtransactions doesn't help. Try the Lite version, it might just win you over.

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Feb 14, 2022

Horizon Forbidden West is an excellent second chapter, corroborated by an artistic direction and a sekaikan of the highest order. The plot dares to take an unexpected direction with results that are not entirely appreciable, but overall it is a worthy continuation of Aloy's adventures that deserves to be experienced.

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Feb 11, 2022

KOF XV is a great game, but it lacks a bit of courage, that spark capable of revolutionizing the series. I don't expect a Copernican revolution like it was at the time of KOF '96, but SNK will have to come up with some new ideas for the next chapter.

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Feb 8, 2022

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is clearly flawed, yet courageous; it succeeds in the arduous mission of rejuvenating some of the clumsy axioms of one of the most conservative series around, laying the foundations for an eventual rebirth of the brand.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Windjammers 2
Jan 20, 2022

Windjammers 2 is the triumph of Dotemu's playability and dedication: the arcade spirit of the past lives again in a sequel that is philologically irreproachable and has a great personality. A very good result, that could be further improved with a greater emphasis on the single player aspect.

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Dec 20, 2021

Clockwork Aquario is a miracle of preservation, but that doesn't make it a game for everyone. Arcade fans will welcome it, but others will find it difficult to continue playing after finishing it the first time, and the scoring system isn't particularly creative. In any case, the low price should keep even the merely curious happy.

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Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain is a splendid puzzle game that suffers from a certain repetitiveness and finds its reason for existence in the race for the highest score. I'd definitely recommend it to gamers with a family who loves the idea of using video games to spend a few evenings playing together.

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Nov 22, 2021

Shin Megami Tensei V manages to improve on a supposedly perfect combat system by introducing new options that offer a welcome extra level of complexity. The storyline is a little less convoluted than usual, and the graphics engine struggles at times, but the end result is a truly impossible-to-drop RPG and one of the most successful exponents of the genre on Switch.

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From a certain point of view, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond is a remake that doesn't like to take too many risks, improving on the original experience without making any major changes. Yet this is also its greatest strength, especially for those who never played the original chapters on DS. The result is an authentic recreation of a historical title, polished and cleaned up from outdated game design elements.

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Nov 9, 2021

Blue Reflection: Second Light is a fine role-playing game, with a pleasing art direction that makes up for its cross-gen nature and modest budget. The storyline takes a while to get going and the multi-faceted combat system tends to drag common encounters for too long, but overall the game will surely appeal to those who don't mind the unusual setting.

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Nov 3, 2021

Mario Party Superstars is a great episode, so respectful of the past that it's not afraid to pay homage to it by improving the basic formula, while adding a much-needed feature like online play.

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7.7 / 10.0 - Super Robot Wars 30
Nov 2, 2021

An official version of Super Robot Wars on our PCs is a long-cherished dream, but it's not an experience for everyone. Certainly not for those expecting a deep and challenging strategy game, as almost the entire experience plays on fanservice. Not to mention a roster incapable of giving back the encyclopaedic feeling that an event like the 30th anniversary would require.

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Oct 19, 2021

The Caligula Effect 2 is the kind of experience that works on paper, with a good basic idea and potentially intriguing protagonists. The game, however, is a hymn to banality and boredom without any redeeming traits. Fans (?) of the first game, with which it shares a weak narrative link, might find this game interesting. Everyone else should stay away.

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Sep 30, 2021

The Castlevania Advance Collection is a fine piece of game preservation, collecting three good games and a half-assed dud thrown in for good measure. Joking aside, the games haven't aged as well as the NDS trilogy, but put together they make a must-have package for fans of the Belmont family.

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Sep 29, 2021

Actraiser Renaissance is a skilfully made remake, but it does suffer from a couple of major technical and stylistic uncertainties. If you love Actraiser I recommend giving it a chance: the strategic portion has been significantly expanded and even those who know the original by heart will find new elements to play with.

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Ni no Kuni II is a good game, rather on the easy side but blessed with a unique charm. This Switch version comes across as the least performant of the bunch, but the inclusion of DLC and portability are good reasons to consider it if you really don't have any other platforms to play on.

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8.2 / 10.0 - Gamedec
Sep 16, 2021

amedec was a nice surprise: a cyberpunk detective story with a progression system that rewards intuition and perseverance without holding the player's hand. The dense network of questions and answers, together with the different endings available, guarantees robust replayability.

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Sep 13, 2021

WarioWare: Get it Together is a clever game: true to itself but incredibly fresh thanks to a simple yet ingenious intuition that revolutionises the axioms of the series without distorting it. It won't last long for lone players aiming solely for the end credits, but those with friends to challenge or collaborate with will find it a great party game.

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Sep 1, 2021

Sonic Colours: Ultimate improves on the fine game released many years ago on Wii, but after all this time it was fair to expect something more, especially for the hedgehog's 30th birthday.

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