Yann Bernard
In a word, grandiose.
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A new stone - solid and ingeniously carved - in the building construction "MarioWare".
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Just like hopeful rookies tend to imitate the champions' playing styles, possibly under the influence of ill-advised coaches, Tennis World Tour can make an impression. Because with hard work, good results come, then even prestigious sponsors as this Roland Garros Edition shows. But neither money nor efforts replace the talent and expertise needed to develop a really authentic approach - the secret of the greatests - hence Breakpoint's production appears limited to the role of a sympathetic (though expensive) sparring-partner, while waiting for better.
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Through powerfully puzzling ideas and a quite distinct cooperative, then extended adventure, HAL Laboratory drew inspiration from romanticism to turn Boxboy into a joyful bloc party with Boxgirl, showing that it gets even better together.
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The blurriness displayed on the unexploited touchscreen in handheld mode shows that this Switch version is only a straightforward port. But such slight technical issues don't hinder the interest of this point and click adventure focused on the narrative through puzzles cleverly integrated, hence Silence definitely shouldn't stay quiet.
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While the reinforcement of (Every) Buddy might appear too light to have legitimately retitled this remastered port, such evolution not only strengthtens the combat system, but also softens the whole experience, which remains harsher than the smooth feathers of Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon suggest though.
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Thanks to the light (but sometimes rather dazzling) cooperative help of Toadette and a few level design jewels, Captain Toad : Treasure Tracker gets even more brillant with this DLC, somehow too episodically though. Its crown of puzzle-platformer king remains nevertheless absolutely deserved.
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Just like kids playing with plasticine, Claybook is good-hearted and full of creativity, but has more than often hazardous results. In other words, while the concept looks good, it's not well modeled enough concerning gameplay and ergonomics.
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Thanks to some sweet, though slightly too light additions - Peachette in particular - New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is really for everyone now.
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The pursuit of Nathan's adventures in the USA could have been a simple pretext to explore this new world haunted by undiscovered Yo-kai, through a humorous, if not satiric tone about cultural specificities. But Level-5 generously went further by improving the tactical side of the combat system, more dynamic as a whole, while expanding the activities considerably, and above all, by telling a parallel story from an investigative point of view, so these two destinies make an even more moving fable once united. Beyond its usual youthful collection spirit, Yo-kai Watch 3 thus encourages to widen contacts and befriend other people, an astoundingly vivacious, yet admirable humanistic mission for a series inspired by traditional japanese ghosts.
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Far from a simple 3D "remodelization" for a more powerful, yet still portable home system, Pok'mon : Let's Go not only refreshes the series' very first adventure, but also reflects the long journey since then, by wisely integrating evolutions such as Pokemon Go's capture system or partners in order to improve the modernity, accessibility and conviviality of the formula. A fantastic way to (re)start Pok'mon, and a glorious conclusion for Junichi Masuda as director.
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While the classic campaign only revamps the old, individualistic, yet outrageaously randomised formula by developing few recent additions, Super Mario Party displays a more strategic approach through special dices dedicated to each character and cooperative modes. This episode also features diverse wonderful mini games that cleverly use the ergonomic particularities of the Nintendo Switch, with a solid competitive dimension even extended online, but the whole programme lacks some more content to be really worthy of such superlative a title.
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Through a less intimidating world, a cosier, jazzy atmosphere and an even more dynamic combat system, Torna : The Golden Country reveals not only an archaic chapter from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but also a fundamental pillar of the series as a whole. While the adventure never quite reaches the density of a full installment, the focus on human relations drives the narrative across uncharted emotional territories, making this standalone expansion a fantastic introduction to this universe, and an unmissable opportunity to explore Alrest deeper.
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There is undoubtly some blasting spirit into this efficiently action oriented Yo-Kai Watch spin-off, but with such ghostly narrative, skeletal structure and overall lack of consistency, only diehard fans may be haunted by this fleshed-out multiplayer experience for long.
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A morbidly amusing narrative in the background of a facetious universe, along with hilarious characters and their puzzling torments, Flipping Death undoubtedly transpires coherence as an adventure game, proving that the genre still belongs to the world of the livings.
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Just like Captain Toad, if you can't jump, you'd better use your brain. This down-to-earth approach transforms the environments into puzzles that require to look harder - and dig deeper - than expected in order to find all of their design treasures. And despite a lack of additional content, such wonders get even shinier on Switch.
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Despite some original minigames and clever boss battles, the story mode falls short, since it strictly serves to teach the new gameplay mechanics. Mario Tennis Aces introduces "zone" tricks that prove both spectacular and powerful, offensively as well as defensively, thus creating a singular, radical timing approach to tennis, yet rather adequate for such competitive ambitions online. However, more risks should have been taken, particularly through the evolution of the double tap system in order to play closer to the lines, and increase the errors potential, which would add not only consistency, but also authenticity. Therefore this episode reaffirms the series' legendary accessibility underlined by the discrete motion mode ' la Wii Sports, a classical ace of conviviality on the whole from Camelot.
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Claiming Top Spin's heritage probably put too much pressure on Breakpoint to begin with, even more so considering the studio's obvious resource limitations comparatively. Despite some wise compromises and interesting gameplay concepts, Tennis World Tour fails to develop, or even emulate its model's formula, due to an overall lack of expertise. A thorough imitation nevertheless, yet not sufficiently polished, deep, and authentic to fulfill realistic eSports ambitions.
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Like an ambitious rookie, AO International Tennis appeared promising, with alleged photo realistic looks and authenticity backed by an extensive data built AI. But Big Ant Studios' production can't live up to these expectations, at least for now, despite an interesting timing approach and undeniable efforts showed through the numerous updates. The lacklustre presentation, the shallow (though large) content and the erratic gameplay literally smash the whole experience, which still looks more like some distant imitation rather than simulation, hence suggesting the lack of a bold, expert direction overall.
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There is nothing better than a beautiful trip into the wilderness to rekindle primal platforming instincts, and Donkey Kong Country : Tropical Freeze gets even more cool through this Funky, yet still challenge heavy "Switchmake".
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