Radek Herda
Mushroom Wars 2 is a great handheld game with conveniently short battles. It's easy to learn, accessible and really addictive.
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Urban Trial Playground, despite its technical shortcomings, offers a pretty fun experience – especially when it comes to competing for highscores. Much lower general difficulty level and local multiplayer make it a great party game for casual players.
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Nintendo Switch is currently the worst platform for experiencing Payday 2. Conversion shortages do not even allow you to taste the climate of heists. Despite the pleasant surprise, which is the multitude of the content, I would advise against buying it on Switch.
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Oceanhorn is one of few action adventure games on PS Vita – and definitely one of the best. Must-play for fans on the genre.
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I would recommend this for players who looking for exceptionally difficult and frenetic platformer. Unfortunately Flywrench brings nothing new to the table in its genre.
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