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Nazih Fares

King Ozimandus

Favorite Games:
  • Overwatch
  • Persona 5
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

219 games reviewed
80.4 average score
81 median score
67.1% of games recommended

Nazih Fares's Reviews

An accomplished, award-winning gaming professional with more than 12 years of experience in the videogame industry, Nazih Fares has worked in public relations, marketing, eSports and localization for over 14 different publishers and more than 90 global brands. Fares is currently MENA Communications Manager at Blizzard Entertainment, based in The Hague.
8.8 / 10.0 - Nier: Automata
Mar 10, 2017

More than a successful sequel, NieR: Automata is a gem with multiple flavors for all sort of players. While some will undoubtedly make the mistake of focusing at its dated technical features, they will miss out on an experience full of twists and turns. Featuring a captivating scenario that raises a lot of reflections on what goes on with the machines, NieR: Automata enhance the gameplay of the original 2010 game, adding much action from the know-how of Studio PlatinumGames. Original and surprising on many aspects, fascinating to discover and to listen to, NieR: Automata has it all to make it a memorable game.

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Mar 8, 2017

While it’s tough to mix complex tactics with mainstream shooter mechanics, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands manages to offer up a tactical shooter that can appeal to a broad audience and still have something for the tactics aficionados. There’s a ton to see and do in their dystopian version of Bolivia, and it’s probably a good idea to bring a friend if you want to enjoy the game’s terrific online co-op.

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Feb 27, 2017

Torment: Tides of Numenera lives up to the Torment name by crafting a deep, engrossing quest that takes you into a strange world where you come to grips with fate, life, death and everything in between. It’s got a ton of dialogue to read through but you’ll be turning the figurative pages before long, and the story has some truly jaw-dropping moments. A modern classic.

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8 / 10.0 - Halo Wars 2
Feb 18, 2017

The first Halo Wars was intended for Halo fans, and Halo Wars 2 is no different even with a new multiplayer modes and story. It's a fun game to try out, especially for players are afraid to play a complex RTS game which usually requires hours to learn and master, whether it is against the AI or online with real competitors. But sadly, even with its launch on PC via the Windows 10 Store, fans of the genre won't stick around given the deeper and richer experience found in other competing RTS games such as Company of Heroes, Total War or even the eternal StarCraft II.

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8.7 / 10.0 - For Honor
Feb 17, 2017

Ubisoft’s For Honor is an enjoyable, visually stunning and gritty experience that might be a bit too original for its own good. Being such a niche genre might push away your normal players, and the singleplayer part might not be enough for someone to cough up $60. Nevertheless, with the right community management, a steady flow of updates, balancing and a ranked mode coming, it could become something great, like what happened with Rainbow Six Siege, 6 month after its launch. Who knows? But for now, give this title a chance as it’s a good one.

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8.4 / 10.0 - Sniper Elite 4
Feb 12, 2017

Sniper Elite 4 is a great sequel to Rebellion's franchise, which fixes a bunch of defects from the past game. The AI, although not totally perfect has its own surprises, and Italy as a war field allows us to discover new and diverse environments. Accessible to everyone, Sniper Elite can be seen as a game for some or a real shooting simulation for those who will play without aim assistance, and this new episode will be another great experience to try.

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Feb 6, 2017

While a bit plain in terms of storyline, Digimon World: Next Order is attractive enough for Digimon fans. It might not be the perfect introduction to this world for other more technical demanding JRPG fans and gamers.

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7.6 / 10.0 - Tales of Berseria
Feb 4, 2017

Tales of Berseria is a game that doesn't drift far from the franchise, and while it won't disappoint the fans, newcomers might find it too niche for their own good. With its captivating plot, which allows us to embody the first female lead in the series, as well as its dynamic and perfectly oiled combat system, Tales of Berseria is probably what fans wanted since the letdown of Tales of Hearts. We regret however the lack of ambition in this episode and its technical delay in comparison to other Japanese productions, always more beautiful.

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Jan 31, 2017

With Resident Evil 7, Capcom finally dares to take a risk-paying venture, dusting at the same time the old elements of the series, giving us a true survival horror experience in a first person view. I rarely experienced the first hours of a game in such a tensed way, surrounded by morbid scenes, with a steady dose of riddles, and a sense of rhythm that constantly put you under pressure. Capcom succeeded in marrying the old with the new when it comes to mechanics but it is not free from any reproach. The fighting elements are too simplistic, and the plot runs out of breath in the end, trying almost too hard, but it is still an interesting experience, and probably one of the best VR games there is on the PlayStation 4 console.

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Jan 20, 2017

Casually launched for the PlayStation VR, Ubisoft's Werewolves Within is probably a must for the console, as well as on PC via Steam and Oculus or HTC Vive. A great adaptation of a classic party game, combined with the VR experience and online interactivity makes this title a frantically hilarious experience.

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6.4 / 10.0 - Rise & Shine
Jan 20, 2017

Rise & Shine is a visually stunning, promising game on paper, but that does everything possible to contradict with its vision. While the developers claim that it's "NOT another run’n’gun clone at all", but more of a "Think and gun" both core game mechanics and elements makes it a flawed and unoriginal experience in a lackluster package.

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7 / 10.0 - Eagle Flight
Jan 5, 2017

Eagle Flight is a satisfying experiences for the PlayStation VR at the time of launch, but despite its excellent thrills of speed, its originality and successful aesthetics, it lacks a lot in variety and depth. Would've particularly appreciate that its very multiplayer part could have more than a single mode. Nevertheless, a good demonstration of what Ubisoft could do in the future with more time on a VR platform.

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7.7 / 10.0 - The Last Guardian
Dec 21, 2016

Petrified with good intentions, The Last Guardian could have brought a breath of fresh air among this end of year's releases. Carrying the player into a dreamlike, mysterious and fascinating universe, Ueda's latest title is a minimalist gameplay, but ample enough to support its purpose, thanks to its intoxicating mood and a fabulous soundtrack. But all is not perfect, and technical issues arise especially on the normal PlayStation 4 (in comparison to the PRO), with a game engine that seems to lack optimization for the only console it supports. After ten year, I expected a gust of poetry, but we ended up getting just a breeze of lightness and originality.

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7.6 / 10.0 - Steep
Dec 17, 2016

Steep has great qualities but also big flaws. At a first try, we have an excellent winter sport game, which could've been excellent if it had proposed a more motivating progression system and a better controlled interface. Because beyond all these worries, which will more or less spoil your experience according to your tolerance and desire to finally have a new winter sport game, Steep offers an open world that is absolutely hallucinating by it size and rendering qualities

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9.1 / 10.0 - Final Fantasy XV
Dec 2, 2016

Final Fantasy XV is a very different title from what the series has offered us so far, but that's not a bad thing at all. Opting for a more compact narrative storytelling which can be finished in about twenty hours, it turns us into spectators of a story that is much deeper than it seems. But it also offers a gigantic and magnificent open world with sceneries that will make you drool like the graphic nerd you are. Topped with many sidequests, bounties and upcoming downloadable contents to extend the lifetime to hundreds of hours, Final Fantasy XV succeeds its bet and proves to be a must for this end of year gaming season.

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Nov 25, 2016

After 20 years and 6 generations of games, Pokemon Sun and Moon is one hell of a breath of fresh air for the franchise. The new title ignored several known game foundations in the series to bring some new features. The island trials as well as a mixture of ancient and original Pokémon is an ideal mix, topped with an exciting story (for once), which will please all fans of the franchise.

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Jul 12, 2016

Slowly but surely, the LEGO series tries to evolve, yet still failing to overhaul its gameplay. After a LEGO Marvel's Avengers full of good intentions but ultimately disappointing, regarding the open world and dubbing, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens offers a more coherent recipe. The semi-open world appears much more interesting thanks to sidequests, treasure and other things to find as well as more generally varied in environments. More rhythmic, a little nicer to look at, with the original music and voices, this title should appeal certainly fans of the saga as fans of the LEGO license.

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Mar 18, 2016

The Division ultimately is a real success for Ubisoft. An old but effective gameplay, is faultless visually at painting every street and every building interior of New York. Too bad some screen clipping and framedrops are cursing us console players, but that's not enough to truly spoil the experience. The game is a must-have for those of you who love the richness of a true MMORPG, with a hint of Third-Person tactical Shooter gameplay, like a Diablo III and Ghost Recon: Future Soldiers merged into one game. After over 70 hours of gameplay, I'm still nowhere near finish, and enjoying this game, its choices, its gameplay and experience. See you in New York, fellow agents

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Jan 30, 2016

LEGO Marvel's Avengers is not ashamed of its predecessor. Where LEGO Marvel's Super Heroes proposed 140 playable characters, LEGO Marvel's Avengers offers us nearly 200 heroes and vilains. If by habit we know that the LEGO games become repetitive in the long run, it is quite surprised to find that the title doesn't bother to innovate at all. Trying too hard to put fill the package with extra visual effects, developers have forgotten the readability of certain levels. Let's hope now for some change in maybe a future LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy.

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