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Michael Straw

Favorite Games:
  • Heroes of Might & Magic 3
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Undertale

97 games reviewed
71.3 average score
71 median score
36.1% of games recommended

Michael Straw's Reviews

Veteran games journalist currently working as a senior editor for Insider Gaming.
6 / 10.0 - Overpass
Feb 27, 2020

Overpass is a good concept, but it should’ve stayed in the incubator a little longer to make it truly a good game.

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Feb 25, 2020

Tony Stewart’s Sprint Car Racing not only gives fans the game sprint car fans want, but does it in a way that hasn’t been done before for the sport.

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Feb 2, 2020

Monster Energy Supercross 3 is another good installment in the series. The races are fun, the tracks are authentic, and the modes are enjoyable. The only problem is that it feels like much of the same with no major leaps.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Rugby 20
Jan 31, 2020

Rugby 20 has some good things going for it, but it’s just not quite ready to be a major player in the sports gaming market.

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6 / 10.0 - AO Tennis 2
Jan 9, 2020

AO Tennis 2 is definitely a step up from the first game, but there’s still a lot that can be done to make the series a must-have for tennis fans, let alone sports fans.

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Nov 8, 2019

There’s so much potential sitting there with the series, it just needs some heavy pressure to become the diamond it hopes to become. Hopefully, with the hype the game has generated, it can get the investments needed to make a bigger step forward in 2020.

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5.8 / 10.0 - Axis Football 2019
Oct 9, 2019

Axis Football as a franchise has so much potential to be a great indie series, but with so limited on-field changes between 18 and 19, it feels more like a lost year than anything else.

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Sep 26, 2019

EFootball PES 2020 is a game with moments as great as its gameplay while also having aspects as awful as its new name.

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7.1 / 10.0 - NHL 20
Sep 20, 2019

With the end of the current console generation fast approaching, one has to wonder where the NHL series goes from here because there’s no doubt there are still plenty of questions left to be answered.

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7.3 / 10.0 - NASCAR Heat 4
Sep 12, 2019

NASCAR Heat 4 is a game that does its best to provide significant improvements while still feeling familiar to fans.

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6 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 20
Aug 1, 2019

Madden 20 is a game that will divide fans right down the middle. Fans who love MUT and have been getting the attention for all these years, will come back and really love what they have. Fans of modes like Franchise and Superstar may feel like enough is enough, no matter how great the action on the field is.

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Ultimately, I do still believe it’s a game meant for hardcore cycling fans. However, I absolutely do believe that casuals can and will enjoy this game if they start with challenge mode races and use those to learn how to play the full races properly.

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10 / 10.0 - F1 2019
Jun 26, 2019

F1 2019 is a rare occasion where a game can look and feel the same, but do enough to put it over the top.

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Apr 15, 2019

Dangerous Driving does a nice job to truly give that franchise a spiritual successor, and a game for all of the Burnout fans out there to enjoy.

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4.2 / 5.0 - MLB 19: The Show
Mar 29, 2019

Overall, MLB The Show 19 is nearly perfect with the vision that San Diego Studios had. If they just made something different in Franchise mode, then it would be a true masterpiece. Even then this is still the best baseball game to date.

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Mar 8, 2019

While this isn’t the game you play to expect a top-notch simulation of a baseball game, I feel there are certain things RBI Baseball 19 can touch up on in that department to help the crowd their trying to attract with this series.

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Feb 24, 2019

Dirt Rally 2.0 not only looks incredible, but it feels like you are behind the wheel of a real rally car. If rally racing is your thing, then look no further than this game.

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Monster Energy Supercross 2 is a game that does a great job at welcoming new fans to the series while also helping returning players master their craft.

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Feb 3, 2019

The Gear Club Unlimited series could be a top-level racer and dominate that scene on the Switch for years to come. But until they find a way to make it feel more than a large-scale mobile game, it’s impossible to recommend to anyone who isn’t desperate for a handheld racer not named Mario Kart.

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Dec 2, 2018

It’s not the easiest game to pick up for newcomers to the series, but the feeling of accomplishment as you improve your skill on the road is not to be overlooked. With the amount of bikes to unlock and upgrade and tracks to enjoy, Ride 3 is a game that will impress with its depth.

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