Morgan Bates

13 games reviewed
78.6 average score
80 median score
69.2% of games recommended
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Nov 9, 2015

Disgaea makes it PS4 debut, and it's brighter than ever

7 / 10.0 - Devil's Third
Sep 23, 2015

Overall this feels pretty rushed for a Tomonobu Itagaki title – none of his Ninja Gaiden titles suffered from the same issues as this. The soldiers Ivan's teamed up with are a bunch of generic - almost cliché - and didn't add to the story, or help with bosses, making them fairly pointless.  However, despite all that, it was fun, and in the end this could have been a great straight up beat 'em up if they had left out the shooter aspect.

Aug 4, 2015

Overall Skullgirls 2nd Encore is good if you're looking for a new 2D fighter which is relatively fast-paced, has easy to master gameplay, and a roster full of strange and hilarious characters. Although this is one has been out for a while now on various other platforms. Even if you have got it already, I highly recommend it on the current generation consoles.

8 / 10.0 - Not a Hero
Jun 11, 2015

Overall, between the outrageous story and visuals that ooze 8-bit charm, this is a great game to scratch that retro itch - if a little steep price wise. If you like indie pixel-art games, you'll probably enjoy this.

9.5 / 10.0 - Mortal Kombat X
Apr 22, 2015

Overall, Mortal Kombat X is easily the deepest in the series, in terms of both story and combat mechanics. The microtransactions are a minor issue in the face of the great gameplay, but this is still the best title in the series. One thing's for sure: the next Mortal Kombat has a lot to live up to.

Mar 16, 2015

Overall, Dragon Ball Xenoverse is probably one of the best, if not the best, Dragon Ball related games out there – and there are a lot. You can replay missions to enhance your character. There are various trainers to go on missions for. It also has time travelling - and that's always a good thing.

Feb 26, 2015

Overall, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round is the definitive version of a last gen game. Visually, it still looks great; however, it's still based on a last gen game. A new DoA running on current gen consoles with higher resolution textures can't come too soon, but for now, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round is satisfactory.

Feb 24, 2015

Overall, this is a great arcade throwback - an old school style shooter where the only goal is to get the highest score you can and unlock the planets. However, the question of whether there's enough new content here for those who bought last gen's Super Stardust HD including the DLC, I wouldn't recommend it. That said, this is the perfect introduction for new players.

8 / 10.0 - WWE 2K15
Dec 14, 2014

Overall, if you want to get the full experience you will need the season pass. That is your shortcut to unlocking everything, and any future DLC. Commentary is just a bad as ever, Michael Cole doesn't sound right in NXT. The new additions were ambitious, if poorly executed.

Oct 28, 2014

Overall, fans of the Warriors franchise will know what to expect from Samurai Warriors 4: epic battles, a huge roster, and frantic battles. Although it has dated visuals, it comes through on a gameplay front - for fans at least. The battles feel epic due to the number of drones on the screen. In the end, that's what these titles are all about - epic battles that keep these titles going.

The best JRPG this side of Atelier Rorona Plus.

Sep 14, 2014

Overall Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate should please fans of the series - it has plenty of variety in characters. As for anyone else looking to get into the series, this title suffers from the same repetition as the other musou games. You can have quite a bit of fun by making the characters spout unwholesome lines though.

8 / 10.0 - Transistor
May 29, 2014

Overall Transistor certainly shows how far Supergiant Games have come from Bastion - which was a great effort. Unfortunately, it's missing some essential elements in an RPG (such as the aforementioned grinding) making a few bosses harder than they should be. Yet, as bad as those flaws may sound, I had a great time playing it thanks to the battle system, and the sheer charm of the characters.