Hadyn Green
Overall though, it's a fun new game mode. And for Killzone - it's an interesting experience working as a squad, rather than a group of individuals. There is no question that you'll need to work together to win the game.
[T]he DLC is actually a fair amount of fun.
Despite the new power of the PS4, the town is essentially (if you'll excuse the pun) dead. NPCs stand or sit in the same place constantly, their faces devoid of emotion. The only one who actually looks alive is the man with seven glowing bullet holes in him.
Overall, Super Time Force is "Super Timely Fun!". Gunning and running and meeting up with your past selves to cause as much destruction as you can.
I suppose, if I was trying to find a flaw and be picky, I would say that Child of Light feels like an incredibly good mobile game. But really that's such a minor criticism, I can't even put any weight behind my statement.
Titanfall is just so full of things. The world is beautiful and detailed, the maps are detailed and confusing, the giant robots have plenty of places to hide. Take your time to drink it all in as the bullets zing around and into you.
Thief isn't terrible, it's just not as good as other games, so in a way I want to say leave Thief for a while; come back to it when it's on sale, wait for it to be a steal.
I've reflected this in the score. If you LOVE golf games, feel free to bump that number up as high as you like, but for me it sits in the middle of our score band, nothing bad about it, but nothing great either.
"Wow that little guy sounds like Barry White!"
While the gameplay was OK, there were just too many things in the campaign mode that bugged me. Multiplayer is much better, however, with a solid mission-based experience and smooth interaction.
Overall, DR3 is fun game with awesome amounts of zombie smashing but it also has a bunch of annoying things which distract from the aforementioned smashing.