Becca Smith
12 is Better Than 6's art style is what first drew me in. It features a hand-drawn style where the environment, the weapons, and all the people look like they've just been sketched on a white piece of paper
[The Count Lucanor] has a way of masterfully mixing together silly and scary in that way that makes you feel like you should be giggling, but instead you're crying in the corner
I went into [Spacejacked] thinking that it would be a lighthearted, fun, yet fast paced game to play casually… I never thought that in a matter of minutes it would become the one and only thing that fueled the hate fire within me
Fans of the comic books will surely love this addition to Michonne's story, as it gives a glimpse into what went on during her disappearance in the comics
[Californium] did get challenging at times, and I would be lying if I said I didn't rage quit once or twice, but in the end the reward for finishing was worth it.