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Craig Roberts

Mountain Ash

Favorite Games:
  • The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
  • The Witcher 3
  • Mario 64

12 games reviewed
84.2 average score
85 median score
83.3% of games recommended

The love and attention to detail from the developers, Ubisoft, Ubisoft Paris and Ubisoft Milan have made me smile, giggle, laugh, and enjoy my time in a world that they have created. I am not a huge fan of turn-based games, but what Ubisoft has done here with Nintendo IP's and their brand of anarchy the Rabbids, mold really well and I want more, a lot more.

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Sep 30, 2017

Invision Project Cars 2 as your ultimate ride of your life

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Overall WRC 7 is an enjoyable, rewarding title, with a curve that will suit rally enthusiasts looking for a simulation, it is not as simulated as Project Cars 2, but its does try. It will not take newcomers by the hand, but it will guide you and teach you to drive from the very low tiers and as you improve, so does your standings. For experienced drivers, you will be tested, oh yes you will be, so be prepared.

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Oct 28, 2017

Middle-earth: Shadow of War is amazing and I totally loved every moment of my time in the game, the new improved nemesis system, fortress and a shed load more glorious goodies, makes this installement worth the purchase.

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Dec 13, 2017

Overall, The Evil Within 2 is a huge turn around from its original outing and for some, they will love all the changes, and for some, they will hate it, for me though it was a great outing in a horrific world, that I certainly would not like to visit anytime soon.

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7 / 10 - Mugsters
Jul 16, 2018

The game is fun and frantic for the majority of the time, even though I did sometimes throw my controller across the room in rage when I got one shotted by those damn UFO’s. I wish there was better multiplayer even though I very rarely care for it, but I know many people do, plus having better online features will allow your friends to join the game instead of having them around to play, OMG so 90s.

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Oct 27, 2018

The game’s story is lacking in places, is repetitive and lacks more variations of enemies so bear this in mind but remember it’s still fun. Starfox does seem like an afterthought and I would have loved to have seen this game as a pure Starfox game but Ubisoft and Nintendo clearly opted for something else. The planets are gorgeous and well-designed but sometimes do feel barren and unloved by wildlife. There is plenty to do, as the game should give you around 20 to 25hrs worth of playtime. Everything is voiced acted so there is no need to read anything, and there is so much depth to this game just like many other Ubisoft games, so there is plenty to dig into.

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Nov 2, 2018

So final thoughts, this is a great racer for the Nintendo Switch or any system you choose to buy the game on, with plenty to dig into. I found the learning curve was just about right, and there was plenty to unlock and achieve. I am hoping that the developers keep pumping out more tracks and content over time, even allow community created tracks if the sales are there, which they should be. I can truly say this game is well worth picking up.

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Oct 24, 2023

If you’re searching for a game that can entertain a 4-year-old and their adult counterpart, Paw Patrol World is the answer. It’s a delightful journey that speaks to the hearts of both the youngest and the young at heart, reminding us that sometimes, the most enjoyable adventures are those we share with our little heroes.

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In conclusion, Tales of Arise Beyond The Dawn is more than a mere expansion; it’s a rekindling of emotions and a rediscovery of a beloved franchise. The narrative, though brief, carries a weight that lingers, and the additional content satisfies the hunger for more Tales Of Arise.

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Nov 14, 2023

Star Ocean The Second Story R left me with mixed feelings. It started with a visually impressive 3D game intro and continued with stunning 3D environments, albeit with pixelated characters and monsters, which made me wonder about the design choices. However, these visuals didn’t detract from the excellent story, engaging combat and emotional impact the game delivered.

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9 / 10 - V Rising
Jun 11, 2024

V Rising is a triumph of game design, blending survival, action RPG, and Gothic horror elements into a cohesive and captivating experience. From its atmospheric visuals and immersive sound design to its engaging gameplay and rich narrative, the game offers an unparalleled journey into the world of the undead.

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