Jake Hill
While Symmetry has an appealing art style, and an intriguing story, it doesn't have the gameplay to hold attention
It never feels old or clunky though, because the style is timeless.
I was already wowed by Civilization VI, and Rise and Fall only serves to cement my love for this amazing strategy game.
It knows what it is, and sticks to its strengths
Warbanners becomes quickly unplayable. It's not pretty to look at or listen to, the story isn't all that engaging, and the interesting tactical elements are hard to find under all the tedium. I would say that only a die-hard of the genre would appreciate it, but then, a die-hard would be turned off by the design flaws. It looks like we'll have to wait a little longer for the next turn-based masterpiece.
The entire game is based around exploration, puzzles, and atmosphere. It lives and dies on those three things.
While Dark Train is a beautiful game, its largely atmospheric experience is hard to engage with.
Between the delightful little flourishes, this is a game that wants to make you think. And feel.
It's beautiful and enchanting. If only there was something more to do there.
Doctor Kvorak picked some good influences but doesn't come close to matching their quality.