Jarren Navarrete
Terminator Resistance is a mediocre game. This shooter just isn’t satisfying enough to recommend a buy. It has its fun moments and treats the source material well. But if you’re looking for a fun first-person shooter, you’d best look elsewhere. Terminator Resistance is definitely one for the long-time fans. Overall it feels like this game could’ve been better than it was.
Death Stranding is a beautiful game and one hell of an experience. That being said, this isn’t your average action-adventure game. It’s a game that boldly breaks the norm of video games by having tedious fetch quests that would be the death of any other game. And yet, Death Stranding somehow makes all of its mechanics work.
Overall, Greedfall is an amazing game that many will have fun with. While not to say that Greedfall has left a mark in history, it is nevertheless quite the RPG that players can drown themselves in. You will spend hours upon hours in this game grinding your character from the ground up to become take out any opposition and craft your own ending.
Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Don’t Dry can be a fun game to play if you’re in it for its humor. But it’s most likely a game you’re gonna play once and never touch again. So there’s not much longevity here.
Overall, I enjoyed Crash Team Racing. Racing karts can be brutal, but fun. Adventure modes boss battles feel a tad bit unfair though. As each boss seems to have a gimmick that no ordinary kart racer usually has. Take Ripper Roo for example, who’s extremely fast and has unlimited TNT.
Overall, Rage 2 is a fun game. Surprisingly a bit short for an open world experience as I was able to beat it at below 14 hours. But it is still worth playing if you are a fan of Doom.
Devil May Cry 5 is an amazing game. It is a must-own for fans of the hack-and-slash genre. Chaining combos feel fresh and there’s always the motivation to do better. Nothing gives you an adrenaline rush quite like killing demons with heavy metal in the background. And for that, this game is highly recommended by us.
This game is a must own for those who love puzzle games. While this isn’t quite a game that everyone can enjoy, it’s definitely a game that offers and enchanting experience for those who want it. And I think it’s all the better for it. I believe that everyone should at least try the game once.
With a great campaign, extra modes, and other unlockables Resident Evil 2 is without a doubt a must own.
At its core, Just Cause 4 seems like a game that's been directed by Michael Bay. Special effects are fancy and explosions are always pretty to look at, but there's no real depth or anything meaningful to find in this game.
When it all boils down to it, Hitman 2 is pretty much just finding new ways to kill the same targets. With only six maps, you’ll often be facing the same targets again and again. Most maps have more than just one target, but I do wish there were a little bit more variety. I still think it’s a great game. With the elusive targets coming up (I’m coming for you Sean Bean) as well as DLCs, there’s a lot to this game to look forward to.
Overall, I just felt like there weren’t enough features in the game to keep me interested. It’s very straightforward to the point of being narrow-minded. You customize your character, you battle it out, and rinse-and-repeat. I don’t think Shinobi Striker’s battle system is enough to keep me interested with repetitive play.
With a few noteworthy exceptions, I found myself not too scared of the game. Intrigued, sure; but scared, not really. There was that one time where my heart was really pounding, but that was really just it. If you’re looking for scary game to play, then Call of Cthulhu might not really provide that for you. But if you’re one to be intrigued by the occult, then this game might just be for you.
Overall I loved Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It’s a decent game. Perhaps one that I will not remember any time in the future, but it’s a decent game nonetheless. I just don’t think it’s a worthy ending to the trilogy.
I had fun playing the Phantom Doctrine but it’s not a perfect game by any means. While it’s true that this isn’t going to be a game for everyone to enjoy, those who are a fan of turn-based strategy games with emphasis on micromanaging your troops might find it enjoyable. It really brought out the OCD in me. In short, if you’re like me and have an obsession with every detail about how you play a game, then Phantom Doctrine is worth a buy.
If you’re looking for a good choice tailored game, then Detroit Become Human may just be for you
Why not? It’s free. Except if you want to customize your character. That takes some actual dough and earning customization in the game is honestly just too much work to bother. But that’s not really important. Nobody is going to comment how sexy your pants make you look when you’re dead on the ground. How could they anyway? There’s no voice chat proximity.
Truth be told, I felt my eyes hurting a bit after watching color changing a bit too much and staring too long at something trying to figure out what it is. Perhaps it’s just me, but I wanted to put my thoughts out there.
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle is a mediocre fighting game.
There is definitely quite a few good reasons to be playing Stifled for those who are interested in horror games. The game is available for VR for those who have it.