Kirk Hiner

275 games reviewed
71.6 average score
70 median score
65.5% of games recommended
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7 / 10.0 - Silence
Apr 25, 2019

Silence provides a fun, thoughtful, but brief experience on the Nintendo Switch. Its charms may be lost on younger gamers, but old-school adventurers will like the way it harks back to the days of yore while eschewing many of the more annoying aspects of the genre. Silence has a great story that's well acted, wonderful environments to explore and puzzles that are fun to solve, but you may want to wait for a sale before you set off.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Lyrica
Apr 20, 2019

Lyrica comes together quite well in presentation and gameplay, but it's going to have a limited audience by design. The theme—although interesting—doesn't lend itself to the type of frenetic fun conveyed through most other rhythm games. Also, rhythm games on the Switch require portable play and (ideally) a pair of headphones, limiting their accessibility. If you're used to that, Lyrica is a unique entry in the genre. If not, there are others out there that will likely hold your attention longer and at a lower price point.

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If you tend to play games for the story, you'll find plenty to like about The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince. If you're more about the puzzles and the platforming action, however, it'd be best to leave this particular storybook on the shelf.

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8 / 10.0 - Golf Peaks
Mar 19, 2019

I enjoyed Golf Peaks from start to finish. It's a fun, light game that's perfectly suited for portable play on the Switch, but is equally engaging in docked mode where it's easy to have some others help solve the puzzles. This is not priced to be a game that'll remain on your Switch for a long time, but you may find you'll keep it around for some quick brain flexing between bigger sessions with your standard, go-to titles.

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Mar 7, 2019

With its methodical, unforgiving gameplay, Aragami: Shadow Edition is not for everyone. However, it doesn't try to be. It's aimed squarely at the Tenchu crowd, with whom it should be a hit. If you're a younger gamer who's never tried a true stealth game, Aragami is a great place to start.

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Feb 20, 2019

There's certainly some roguelike fun to be had in Airheart – Tales of Broken Wings, especially for fans of twin-stick shooters and classic arcade action. Unfortunately, the elements outside of skyfishing and dogfighting are more of an interference than an enhancement, and they may put you off this game before you're able to get to the good stuff.

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Fans of the series will (and should) relish the chance to finally play this entry in the series, and there's enough Tales goodness here to make it worth the wait. The story is involving, the acting is top-notch, and the remastered graphics are colorful and (mostly) crisp. However, these may not be at a level that will win over anyone who's never played a Tales game before. And to those who moved to the Switch from the PS3/4 and have recently enjoyed Tales of Xillia, Zestiria or Berseria, the overall presentation and combat system will feel like a regression. As long as you're okay with that, you'll enjoy this Tale.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Fitness Boxing
Jan 15, 2019

Fake boxing in front of my TV is not an alternative to the gym. I get that. But I'm not going to a gym—like, ever again. So, as an alternative to whatever show I'd be watching or game I'd be playing, Fitness Boxing succeeds at its $50 asking price (although I'd rank it a bit higher at $40). If you're likely to feel the same, I recommend getting the digital download so it's always present and ready when you fire up your Switch to play something else (and there is a demo you can try). A half hour of cardio before two hours of Octopath Traveller is a really good idea.

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7 / 10.0 - Solar Flux
Dec 31, 2018

All the elements in Solar Flux combine for an attractive, calming, challenging, physics-based puzzler.

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At only $9.99, Sky Force Anniversary is a fantastic bargain on the Nintendo Switch. It may be a “re-creation” of a nearly 15-year-old game, but it looks and plays like it was custom made for this generation's systems. It may be a bit too easy for hardcore STG fans, but that just means those of us who want some frenetic arcade action gaming without feeling totally powerless are going to keep coming back to Sky Force Anniversary for dozens of entertaining hours.

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6 / 10.0 - Puzzle Wall
Dec 18, 2018

As it stands, although it's fairly priced, Puzzle Wall simply needs more content. It's a fun way to kill some time at a children's party, but it won't be long before they're done with it and on to better games.

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9 / 10.0 - GRIS
Dec 13, 2018

I said earlier that not everyone will want to play Gris. That's fair. But if you do, and if you're able to connect with its themes, I think you'll find it's a game well worth experiencing. Even if you don't connect with it emotionally, the creative and gorgeous visuals combined with the haunting music should be more than enough to carry you through. I'd suggest playing it in docked mode to fully take in the artwork, but the music and audio effects are better experienced with headphones. Either way, give Gris a try. You'll be happy you were with her.

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My son and I had some fun playing through, and you can bet the next time I get together with my college friends we'll be firing it up for some quick laughs. But if you haven't played Heavy Barrel before it's best to just avoid it and stick with a game that's woven a little more intricately into your past.

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Nov 12, 2018

Although I feel this is the best Mosou game currently available for the Switch, there's not enough here to bring over any converts, especially those who played Fire Emblem Warriors or Hyrule Warriors specifically for the franchise tie-ins. And although I don't prefer all of the changes from the previous Warriors Orochi game, they've made just enough to make things fresh for fans of the series and keep them entertained throughout the game's robust campaign.

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Nov 3, 2018

Still, this is an excellent collection of games that should appeal to just about everyone at the party. Whether you've got quiz-whizzes, skill-based arcade gamers, those who love to be creative or those who love to get into ethical debates, there's a game here. A good game here. It's a great place to start if you've never purchased another Jackbox Party Pack, and the new games are enough to make this an attractive purchase for longtime fans.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Debris Infinity
Oct 29, 2018

Although Debris Infinity is very well designed, it does lack depth and longevity. Learning the enemy waves and mastering your approach towards them extends the fun, but to no real purpose other than leaderboard bragging rights. As such, after just a session or two I was always ready to move on to something else. That amounts to less than 10 minutes of game time, which is pretty short even in this age of mobile gaming. But at only $5.00, Debris Infinity will continue to scratch that arcade itch for as long as you're willing to let it.

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Oct 19, 2018

Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a game squarely aimed at the Fire Emblem crowd, but any fan of tactical, turn-based combat, military strategy and…honestly…YA romance should at least download the free demo and give it a try.

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Sep 23, 2018

Super Dungeon Tactics has been out for computers and other consoles for a while now, and that works to your advantage; the Switch version is available to download for only $19.99, making it an excellent option for fans of turn-based RPGs. With its clever and accessible combat management mechanics and a charming array of characters, Super Dungeon Tactics is definitely a title worth checking out, especially for those enjoying God Wars or who fondly recall the Luminous Arc series.

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Sep 19, 2018

If you're looking for a quality turn-based JRPG that plays well on your TV and on the go, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk is it. Just make sure you keep it away from the kids.

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7 / 10.0 - Freedom Planet
Sep 3, 2018

When you're not hitting its walls, Freedom Planet is an exciting game that feels natural in both docked and portable mode. The different characters give it some flair, and the nostalgia certainly helps, too. And honestly, although SEGA has kind of found their way again with its iconic franchise, Freedom Planet often feels more like a Sonic game than many actual Sonic games did. One minute you'll wish Sonic games played more like this, and the next you'll be wishing Freedom Planet played more like Sonic. If you can handle that dichotomy, Freedom Planet is worth the run.

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