Branislav Kohút
Flawless open-world action adventure for old west fans, horse lovers and adventurers. Dynamic gun battles coupled with common activities with eleganter details.
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If you want a great RPG, here you have it and don't doubt the qualities of the data disc. This is a wine of the highest quality, in which your blood boils.
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It's not a flawless RPG, but it doesn't lack much for perfection. The game catches and catches on as a book bestseller or blockbuster movie. It has minor flaws, but they are overwhelmed by gigantic content, which is not an end in itself, and everything the creators have put into the game has its meaning and justification.
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In any case, if you are a true fan of this genre, Original Sin 2 is a straight-line obligation for you.
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At the moment, it's unparalleledly the best hero game on the market, and this year there's perhaps only one RPG in sight that could bring down Pillars of Eternity from the imaginary throne.
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It's more than a game. It is a film in which you play the leading role of the most popular archaeologist from TV and cinema screens. The combination of these two genres is astonishing and perfectly coordinated. You'll travel around the world with Dr Jones, and although this expedition has some minor flaws, it's a truly epic experience.
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This is the best singleplayer story ever seen in card games. Witcher's world is still charming and CD Projekt Red rocks!
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New and old virus strikes again. And it is as much fun as more than 20 years before! And Leon and Clair are still cool!
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One of the Best Mortal Kombat games with roster of new and returning characters, cool gameplay, funny story and of course, new FATALITY.
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John Cooper is back with some old and new friends and another story from wild west. Still deadly, hard and charming.
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Enter evil village, if you are dare. But be ready for a lot of intense action and less survival and haunted moments.
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RDR 2 is a great game, it's actually two in one (you'll pay for it). In the package you will get a massive story and a separate online world full of possibilities. However, the PC version still has some technical problems after the first big patch.
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Dishonored 2 actually just offers more of what you could have experienced in the original game. But that doesn't have to be a shame - it's been fun before and it is now.
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Bastion is really surprisingly high quality action RPG. It has a unique processing and gaming style with well-designed development and application of weapons. A not inconsiderable factor that tilted the bowl of scales in favor of higher ratings is the excellent price.
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With a calm conscience, we can say that BioWare did not disappoint. There's probably no game on the market right now that deserves more than Dragon Age: Inquisition. It repays you with a varied, living world, a ton of content, lots of RPG elements and fights that will catch everyone's feel.
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Logic Artists finally did it! They made epic mix of RPG and turn-based strategy. Roma Victor!
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Is it massive entertaining RPG that doesnt disappoint? Indeed. It fulfills all expectations with excellent story, lot of dilemmas, well-written characters, vast world and plenty of activities and combat. Fans can be satisfied again and newcomers could give it a shot, finally.
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A Plague Tale: Innocence offered already a unique experience and showed great potential, which the developers fully utilized in Requiem. The basic game system hasn't changed much since then, but now you'll be more immersed in the story of the De Rune siblings and their loved ones, which stretched nicely for two dozen hours.
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Comic book heroes show off in great turn-based card battles, but you also get the chance to get to know them very intimately. Who could resist? In terms of content, there is not much to complain about. But poor optimization, frame rate fluctuations and endless loadings hurt the game.
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If you're looking for an unusual platform game, you've come to the right place. Planet of Lana is a successful harmony of unique gameplay, emotions, graphics and melody. The only shame is that it is so short.
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