Anthony Mann

129 games reviewed
74.3 average score
78 median score
57.0% of games recommended
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7.5 / 10.0 - Maneater
Jun 3, 2020

So why do I still say I would spend $40 on this game? Because it’s dumb fun. It’s junk food. It’s a B-tier game that has decent writing and is doing something different. I had fun for the just under 30 hours it took to complete everything the game had to offer. It’s not perfect, but neither has been any other title to try and tackle this sort of experience; this game is by far the best though. If just swimming around and proving who’s the real apex predator sounds appealing then this is the game to play. There’s not much out there like Maneater.

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8 / 10.0 - The Persistence
May 21, 2020

After playing The Persistence on Xbox One I’m sort of disappointed I skipped it on PlayStation VR. The game is really well done and is built in a way that every small step helps; even if I die on a level, as long as I have collected something my time is not wasted.

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8 / 10.0 - The Persistence
May 21, 2020

After playing The Persistence on Xbox One I’m sort of disappointed I skipped it on PlayStation VR. The game is really well done and is built in a way that every small step helps; even if I die on a level, as long as I have collected something my time is not wasted. I’m fairly open that horror games are sort of a new passion of mine and I really liked the atmosphere in this game and a big part of that is how good the enemy AI is. There is a lot to like in this game as long as randomized gameplay (rogue light elements) are not a turn off. The Persistence is definitely one of the best rogue light experiences I have played in quite some time and I will likely go back and try the VR origins of this title.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Streets of Rage 4
Apr 29, 2020

I am thoroughly impressed by everything this game has to offer and I hope we see more SEGA classics tackles by DotEmu and Lizardcube.

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I mean there really isn’t much to say about Space Channel 5 VR other than there is not enough game here for the price they are asking, and more salt is poured into the wound because what is here is a lot of fun.

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Mar 31, 2020

If I had to sum up this game in one word the best I could do is two words and a hyphen: half-baked.

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While I can’t say that every game is a winner in this collection, those that are vastly outshine the lesser offerings. This bundle is a must have for any lovers of old side scrolling beat ‘em ups and more arcadey sports games, especially for those who want to play with friends.

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Feb 27, 2020

Patapon 2 is a great game; this remaster is only just okay.

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Feb 21, 2020

My only gripe is that for how much this game wants to be seen like an RPG it never really does anything of interest with it.

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Jan 29, 2020

Blacksad: Under the Skin is an interesting tale of murder and corruption that presents in one of the best takes on the adventure game formula-multiple endings, choices that really matter, and a cast of characters that are extremely engaging.

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Jan 7, 2020

Overall Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a good title that is marred by the expectations that the Modern Warfare name brings with it.

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Dec 4, 2019

It’s hard to judge Tracks on the standard aspects of a game, but with the issues I had with the controls (likely an issue stemming from porting the game from PC to Xbox) I don’t really want to engage with their creative mode for any length of time either

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Nov 20, 2019

Overall Catherine: Full Body is a great experience built for both new players and veteran players alike.

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Oct 31, 2019

It’s a mistimed, mispriced decent game, and right decent isn’t enough.

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Oct 29, 2019

Anyone with any love of Monkey Ball would be doing themselves a disservice not picking up a way better version of a game that was hindered by motion control.

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Oct 28, 2019

While I hope they give the 3D platformer another fair shake, I will be more than happy if Playtonic does more sidescrolling platformers in the future because The Impossible Lair is impossibly good.

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I can only recommend this to people who have never played it or the hardest of hardcore Ni No Kuni fans because otherwise just wait for a sale to play this one again.

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9 / 10.0 - GreedFall
Oct 14, 2019

I think GreedFall may be the sleeper hit of the year.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Concrete Genie
Oct 8, 2019

Concrete Genie is a wonderful experience with a strong message of kindness and forgiveness. Anyone wanting a fairly short, wholesome experience will find a lot to love here.

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8 / 10.0 - River City Girls
Sep 23, 2019

I hope WayForward gets to follow this game up so they can tweak their gameplay a bit and explore their take on the world of River City a bit more.

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