A.J. Maciejewski

2838 games reviewed
71.9 average score
76 median score
60.8% of games recommended
6.8 / 10.0 - Danger Zone
Jun 10, 2017

Danger Zone takes a mode that's been around for 15 years and manages to make a somewhat enjoyable game out of it.

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7 / 10.0 - Jump Stars
Jun 9, 2017

Jump Stars is a mostly enjoyable multiplayer party game with simple yet fun single-screen 2D platforming gameplay within a variety of stages.

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Cubit HD's cheerful sights and groovy tunes fail to make up for its frustrating and bare-bones gameplay.

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Jun 8, 2017

Lock's Quest is definitely a game worthy of bringing back from obscurity but this version contains performance issues that frequently make it tough to enjoy.

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8.1 / 10.0 - Cave Story+
Jun 6, 2017

Countless fantastic 2D action games released since Cave Story initially debuted yet it remains a wonderful experience that every genre fan needs to play.

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7.2 / 10.0 - Shu
Jun 4, 2017

Shu is a memorable and charming little 2D adventure that features varied gameplay and plenty of replay value.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Chroma Squad
Jun 2, 2017

Chroma Squad is not only a worthy tribute to Power Rangers; it's also one of the best indie SRPGs ever created.

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Jun 1, 2017

If you're a fan of Utawarerumono then Mask of Deception is definitely a worthwhile addition to the series.

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May 31, 2017

Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! is a fun and basic dungeon-crawling action RPG that's best enjoyed in short sessions.

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May 30, 2017

Although Paddle Vs. Paddle is a very bare-bones game and has a disappointing single player component, I must admit that the concept is solid for some enjoyable multiplayer matches.

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7.7 / 10.0 - Dark Rose Valkyrie
May 29, 2017

Hardcore JRPG enthusiasts will find Dark Rose Valkyrie to be one of the most rewarding games in recent memory while casual genre fans may be put off by the overall complexity and repetitive missions.

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7.1 / 10.0 - Unit 4
May 27, 2017

Unit 4 is a challenging and unique platformer that serves up a varied and satisfying campaign.

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May 23, 2017

Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop is bursting with charm and tons of enjoyable content.

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6.1 / 10.0 - Spellspire
May 23, 2017

Spellspire is a simple and enjoyable word-forming RPG-like adventure but it doesn't quite do enough to create a memorable take on the genre.

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Skylar & Plux is a charming and fun little game but it's so ridiculously short and easy that I can't imagine any 3D platformer fan could fully embrace it.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Injustice 2
May 18, 2017

Injustice 2 is a capable and accessible fighter that fans of DC Comics will love.

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5.2 / 10.0 - Akiba's Beat
May 17, 2017

If you're in the mood to watch a cast of charming characters have often humorous conversations for lengthy periods of time then Akiba's Beat is a game for you.

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6.8 / 10.0 - The Surge
May 16, 2017

The Surge is one of those games that shows a lot of promise but the experience itself just doesn't live up to its potential.

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7.4 / 10.0 - Human: Fall Flat
May 14, 2017

Human Fall Flat could possibly be the next big goofy indie game with odd controls and it's also one of the most enjoyable cooperative physics-based puzzlers around.

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May 14, 2017

Mario Sports Superstars is bursting at the seams with a varied collection of enjoyable content.

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