A.J. Maciejewski

2838 games reviewed
71.9 average score
76 median score
60.8% of games recommended
Sep 3, 2019

For the awesome games alone, Grandia HD Collection is worth checking out for any RPG fan.

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5.7 / 10.0 - Blair Witch
Sep 2, 2019

Blair Witch is more of an exercise in tedium than it is an immersive atmospheric horror experience.

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If the developers tightened up Fin and the Ancient Mystery's gameplay, it could be a rather enjoyable 2D action RPG.

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Sep 1, 2019

AER Memories of Old is such a captivating game that it's hard not to get lost in its beautiful and rewarding world.

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Whipseey and the Lost Atlas may be a cute and somewhat fun 2D platformer but it's a bit too unforgiving as well as incredibly short.

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Sep 1, 2019

There's a lot to love about Grand Brix Shooter, especially for dedicated shoot 'em up fans who are looking for a challenge.

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Sep 1, 2019

ESport Manager has a solid premise and some cool simulation elements but the actual matches are way too easy to exploit.

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Aug 29, 2019

If video games taught me anything, it's that senseless violence is fun. Okay, perhaps that isn't true but it's definitely the case in Hotline Miami.

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8.6 / 10.0 - Astral Chain
Aug 27, 2019

With a perfect blend of high-octane action and enjoyable laidback moments in-between, Astral Chain presents a masterfully immersive campaign.

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7 / 10.0 - Crystar
Aug 26, 2019

Crystar presents a truly unique and consistent game world with simple and enjoyable action RPG dungeon crawling.

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Aug 22, 2019

Card-based combat doesn't get much more satisfying than in Slay The Spire and its roguelike campaign is quite a rewarding challenge.

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Even as a huge fan of the series, it's difficult to thoroughly enjoy Wonder Boy in Monster Land in this day and age.

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Even with decades of racing games behind us, Virtua Racing stands out as a super-fun racer that holds up wonderfully.

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If you want to smash some skulls with a chum then you will certainly enjoy the super-violent Redeemer: Enhanced Edition.

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Aug 22, 2019

If you take pride in showing off your 2D platforming skills then Never Give Up will be a perfect fit for your gaming library.

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Aug 22, 2019

2D action game fans will find a lot to love in the stylish Exception, especially those who enjoy speedrunning through bite-sized stages.

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Aug 22, 2019

Playing Rogue Singularity will require some patience as you adapt to its gameplay but once it clicks, it's one rewarding roguelike.

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Aug 22, 2019

Seeing as it debuted in 1992, it's surprising that Puyo Puyo hasn't evolved much since its humble beginnings yet it's still great fun.

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Space Harrier's fast-paced action can be quite fun but its simplicity and annoying aspects will make your excitement quickly wear thin.

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Machiknights: Blood Bagos may be simple at its core yet stomping around with a friend while decimating your foes just feels awesome.

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