Kris Brooks
The game was moderately enjoyable though it felt very much like every other title that Blades of Time obviously gained inspiration from. The gameplay was familiar but a bit lackluster as it got old fast. The decision to split ranged and melee left the game a bit disconnected, dare I say disengaging. The improvement's that where made still fall under the shadows of itself.
If you enjoy fantasy with a great story, then the choice is easy.
While I do fully enjoy this game, there are some things I would like to have seen a bit more of including visuals for inside the ships that show the players changes. Maybe even a semi multiplayer mode where you can compare your progress with another to drive performance and challenges.
The game is visually appealing and offers you the ability to just pick up and play without much need for overly complicated things. Antigraviator offers a nostalgic gameplay with updating graphics and keeps to what games should be, Good Old Fashioned fun.