Alan Di Matteo
It remains one of the best and most surprisingly great games of the past few years, and this definitive console edition is the best way to experience the game if you haven't already taken the Luchador leap. It's fun, creative, and lasts just long enough to make you wish there was more.
If you're a fan of RPGs, you owe it to yourself to play this game. Keep in mind that it's not easy and that the governing system isn't for everyone; however, get past that, and there's a classic that compares to any behemoths of the genre even today. Just don't blame me when you find yourself stuck in the first area; this game is hard, and you will be better for playing.
[I]t's difficult to recommend now, and, given the wait between releases in the Live franchise, you're left knowing that NBA Live 14 should stay on the bench. Sorry kid – maybe next year.
While FIFA 14 might not present the revolutionary leap many of us imagined with the shift to a new generation of consoles, it is undoubtedly the best soccer game that's ever been released.