Ben Ledsham

33 games reviewed
67.3 average score
72 median score
45.5% of games recommended
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4 / 5.0 - Access Denied
Feb 19, 2019

Overall Access Denied was good experience. The game didn’t wasn’t too hard to get frustrated over and it wasn’t too easy to get annoyed about, it was just the right level of difficulty that makes you literally think outside of the box.

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3.2 / 5.0 - Unexplored
Feb 18, 2019

It was kind of fun to play, but after the amount of times I died, it slowly became repetitive and unfortunately, it didn’t win over my heart.

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Feb 7, 2019

Overall, Hide and Seek didn’t really differ from the original game, and is unfortunately plagued with similar issues.

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Feb 5, 2019

Overall it wasn’t a fun time. The target audience of this game is clearly aimed toward kids, but even so, it’s just wayyyy to difficult for a child, in my opinion.

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2.2 / 5.0 - 8-Bit Hordes
Jan 28, 2019

Overall 8-Bit RTS simply wasn’t my cup of tea. From someone who’s gamed excessively into the strategy genre, I can tell you that you you’ve most probably played this game before.

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3.6 / 5.0 - Candleman
Jan 15, 2019

Overall, Candleman is a very ingenuitive platformer.

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Dec 29, 2018

Overall, Pen and Paper was a mixed experience. I enjoyed the concept of the game, the fact you have adventures and shenanigans all while sat at the table.

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2.8 / 5.0 - GODS Remastered
Dec 19, 2018

Overall, I found Gods Remastered to be a skillfully challenging experience. For those who had the chance to play this when it first came out, this will be a nostalgic visit down memory lane, but with a HD twist.

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Dec 8, 2018

Overall Youtubers Life was an unusually enjoyable experience.

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4 / 5.0 - Fallout 76
Nov 24, 2018

Overall, Fallout 76 has confused. It’s a good game, but it’s riddled with issues.

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Oct 26, 2018

Call of the Wild offers an amazing experience, for when you finally do capture your kill: it’s so rewarding. For the players willing to go that extra step, it’s really worth it.

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3 / 5.0 - WWE 2K19
Oct 17, 2018

Overall, I found WWE 2K19 to be an enjoyable game.

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Oct 9, 2018

Overall, This is the Police 2 is an outstanding game. It’s fun to micro-manage your team and it really makes you proud for when you get situations right and manage to save the day.

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