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Joe Apsey

90 games reviewed
75.2 average score
80 median score
58.9% of games recommended

Joe Apsey's Reviews

Staff Writer at The Loadout covering the latest PS5 and Xbox Series games.
Apr 1, 2019

Where The Bees Make Honey is a frustrating and boredom-inducing puzzle game that suffers from an unthinkable amount of technical issues, poor controls, unclear objectives, and bad level design. Any heart that is put into the narrative is wiped away by these issues and made me want to quit playing, minutes after starting the game up.

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6 / 10.0 - Massira
Feb 27, 2019

Massira offers up nothing for an adult looking for a new narrative-adventure game to sink their teeth into. It's narrative is intriguing but has no payoff and its gameplay is bland and, at times, poorly designed. However, if you have a child, sit down with them and play Massira for a few hours. The game will give them an insight into the Syrian Refugee Crisis in an approachable and kid-friendly way.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Metro Exodus
Feb 13, 2019

Metro Exodus is an amazing and beautiful game that offers a new style and experience from 2033 and Last Light. With polished visuals and an amazing soundtrack, the changes 4A Games have implemented create awesome environments and enjoyable gameplay, taking you across various landscapes of Europe. However, in doing so, the survival horror and dark, claustrophobic tone have almost entirely been left behind at the station.

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7 / 10.0 - Hyper Jam
Feb 12, 2019

Hyper Jam's core gameplay is engaging and fun with friends and against random opponents. Its style is bold and vibrant giving the game a memorable vibe. However, a lack of progression and variety means this is a game I will only break out for 30 minutes of fun when I have friends over.

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Jan 21, 2019

The Hong Kong Massacre is a game that will leave you with vivid memories. The awesome stunts you pulled off, the impossible feats you were able to achieve, and the crazy killing sprees will all stick in your mind. It is a game that perfectly executes on a vision and offers some of the most gratifying few hours you can find in gaming today.

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9.5 / 10.0 - The First Tree
Dec 9, 2018

The First Tree is an exceptional story of loss and regret. The achievement by the game's one developer, David Whele, cannot be understated. The combination of all the elements of this experience creates one of the most memorable games this year. If you enjoy narrative adventure games then The First Tree is more than worth the two-to-three hours it takes to beat it.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Just Cause 4
Dec 6, 2018

Just Cause 4 is an enjoyable ride with a memorable and exciting campaign, full of thrilling gameplay moments. However, the rest of the game is a compilation of outdated mission design and poor technical performance. My advice: stick to the campaign for a fun fifteen hours and forget about everything else.

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Oct 18, 2018

Starlink: Battle For Atlas is a fun and enjoyable open-world space sim that tells a charming story with a likeable cast of characters. Despite its repetitive side activities and money-sucking selection of toys, the core gameplay loop and combat system are worth your time. The fact that everything can be brought digitally is also a plus.

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Oct 3, 2018

A wholly unenjoyable experience, completely devoid of any fun and intrigue. Fishing Sim World couples that gameplay experience with ugly character models and environments, leading to a game that quite literally has nothing going for it.

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9 / 10.0 - Cuphead
Oct 12, 2017

Cuphead has long been in development; but, upon its reveal, it stunned people due to its unique art style. After releasing late last month does its style is still as impressive as before. But beneath that, is an addictive platforming and boss rush game that pummels you with challenges whilst simultaneously rewarding you with said challenges.

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