Adam Cook
The fact that it's a mechanically solid sporting experience can't save it from mediocrity or a lack of any real reason to come back, and that's really the worst sin a sports game can commit.
An essential purchase, and although it's a case of simply being more Tomb Raider, lessons have been learned along the way to make this one of the most refined and enjoyable blockbuster rides available.
A truly fresh, innovative take on a genre crying out for something new. Freestylegames has utterly succeeded in making Guitar Hero relevant again.
A fitting finale for what might just be the best series Telltale have ever made.
It's neither revolution, nor true evolution, but when the planets align, with a few like-minded friends who've had a few drinks, there's nothing that can touch it, and you'll have tremendous fun.
LEGO Dimensions is going to be an expensive hobby, because despite a few minor issues it's a joy to build things before you put them into the game, and is one of the best games in the series yet.
An utterly essential purchase. PES 2016 is the best there is, and the best there's been in a very long time.
It's magnificent, it's crazy, and it's for everyone to enjoy. Truly inclusive, Super Mario Maker is the game you'll smile the most at this year, and worth every penny.
The best Vita game just became one of the best PS4 games. Utterly essential, buy this, so it can finally get the love it so richly deserves.
A fun game with a few nice touches that is let down by lacking any real wow-factor. Nonetheless, worth your time if you're looking for a well designed and executed open world game.
A genuine visual upgrade and the multiplayer being 60fps means there's every reason for fans and newcomers to enjoy this package. Ultimate Edition reminds us of why Gears of War is so beloved.
If you like Quantic Dream's games and think the idea of that style mixed with an "I Know What You Did Last Summer" or "Scary Movie" style narrative would be good, you're probably going to really dig it.
A mostly well designed, methodically thought out puzzler that ends up being too easy due to early checkpoint issues.
It won't be for everyone, but for those that love Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, it'll stay in the memory for a very long time indeed.
A warm, witty adventure game that focuses on giving you control, while telling a good story. The return of King's Quest is only let down by some bizarre technical issues.
A vast improvement on episode four, and gets the series back to where it should be, containing emotional moments and lots of action.
A daft, angry, bald journey, led by a screaming topless adonis that lets us kill everything that moves. Fair play, Sony.
Another great episode in what is becoming Telltale's best series. But the sporadic episode release is harming it overall.
A fitting end to a phenomenal trilogy. Rocksteady have created one of the best comic-book games ever made.
Unique, challenging, glorious. There's simply so much love poured into Crypt of the NecroDancer, that it's hard not to fall deeply under its spell.