Jonathan Logan
Despite occasionally feeling dated, Yakuza 3 still offers a fun experience for fans of the series.
Cthulhu Saves Christmas is a stocking stuffer you'll want to open!
Games like Return of the Obra Dinn are rare. They alternately make you feel like a complete idiot for missing what was in front of you and a bloody genius for solving the mystery. It’s remarkable how important it feels to figure everything out, especially given the lack of immediate stakes. After all, everyone on the ship is dead or gone; there is no time limit; there’s not even an apparent threat to your safety. But after you’ve witnessed only a few deaths, you become fully invested in figuring out precisely what happened to the crew of the Obra Dinn (for insurance purposes, of course). It made me feel more like a dogged detective than any game I’ve ever played. Despite some minor control issues on consoles, Return of the Obra Dinn remains possibly the most successful detective game ever made.
A spiritual sequel success, The Outer Worlds eclipses its inspirations to become an exceptional game in its own right!
One of the best video game prequels ever made and one of the best entries in the Yakuza series, along with some of the best gameplay.
For Zelda fans who have been desperate for a fix since they finished their seventh run of Breath of the Wild, Cadence of Hyrule is like having a refreshing drink at the bar after hours of dancing.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a fantastic sequel, improving on almost every aspect of Kiwami 1.
SteamWorld Dig 2 took everything great about the original and improved upon it. Let's hope the same happens with SteamWorld Quest, should it get a sequel.
Yakuza Kiwami is a fantastic remake that effortlessly immerses you in the world of Kamurocho, Tokyo.
Already the best game in the Mario & Luigi series, the new graphics and presentation raise it to new heights on the 3DS!
Wargroove is one of the most charming, polished, and enjoyable turn-based strategy games ever made.
One of the funniest RPGs ever made, West of Loathing combines a unique visual presentation with outstanding roleplaying.
One of the most engaging and original adventure games released in years. You owe it to yourself to give it a play.
Fallout 76 is an underwhelming and disappointing mess, but may have the potential for greatness if Bethesda chooses to support it long-term.
If you want more Ace Attorney, Spirit of Justice will keep you entertained for hours on end!